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Boring days

Reader POV

Age 8

    My Life is boring, I've come to terms with it, I told mama I wanted to wait till I was old enough before i decided to pursue a career. I wish I could take those words back, but mama never lets us take back our words. She says "your words are irreversible, so think before you speak". It's a good quote to live by, maybe one day I'll get it tattooed.

    My brothers are only four years old, it's hard to play with them, but I make the most of it. They can still play dress up, they never put up a fight, Leo loves the smell of nail paint and I think Jax just cares too little. They both do make some really pretty princesses, and tea party guests, they are my brothers for a reason.

    Since mama and papa wouldn't be home for a while and my classes were off I was left sitting in my room doing nothing, even the TV was starting to bore me.

    I step off my bed and pick up my puppy, Prince. He looks at me tilting his head, he's obviously confused. "Don't worry Prince, I just want to be in the garden for a little bit." He looks at me like that was the stupidest idea he's ever heard. "Fine.. Well bring your toys too.." He jumps out of my arms picking up his duck toy with his teeth. "I think I should teach you some tricks too..." I say looking down at the cute little puppy. He wags his tail barking at me.

    I open the door to my room, stepping out wondering If my white night gown is enough or if I should change. Prince rushed to the door and pawed at it. "Calm down, jeez" I reply to his excited behavior. I put on my ugg slides. It's late in the evening, maybe 7:00 ish, so I don't expect anyone to be there. 

    I walk with a container of dog treats in one hand and human treats in the other. I'm gonna get hungry too you know! sitting in a garden is a very tiring job! I find a nice area to sit down with Prince by my side, eager to learn some cool tricks.

   About half an hour goes by and my mind just decides to hum a pretty song I had made up in my head.



Hi guys!! Hope you enjoyed this short little chapter, ik yall are getting impatient waiting for the bllk related stuff to come but TRUST me it'll be in the next chapter.



Ps: Please comment and vote it lets me know that people actually gaf abt this story and I'm not just wasting my time :P

•⊹٭Candy٭⊹•             (various!bluelock x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now