"Ohhkay..." I said, trying to figure out what the hell they were hiding from me. "What are you up to?" Julia asked as Carter came into frame.

"Colby! We miss you. Julia is so lame sometimes." He said as Julia pursed her lips. "I'm sure she's only being lame because she cares." I said with a nod.

"Or she's a loser." Carter said then ruffled Julia's hair. "Whatever. The kids just wanted to talk to you." Julia said then handed the phone to Carter.

"What's going on, man?" I asked as he plopped down on the couch next to Jenna.

"We just want to know when you're coming home. It's been almost two weeks." Carter said as I sighed.

"It'll be a little while longer. I'm sorry guys." I said as Sam popped his head into frame.

"Is other Sam okay?" He asked as I nodded. I obviously couldn't tell him that every day he wasn't found was a larger chance he was dead.

"He's still going through a tough time." I said then quickly changed the subject.

"You're quiet, Jenna. Was that movie really that sad?" I asked, slightly prying at the fact that Julia had been previously crying.

"Yeah, it was sad." She said with a nod. "COLBYYYYYYY!!" Juniper screamed as she came running over.

"Hey, kid." I said with a smile as she snatched the phone.

"I need you to come home because sissy is really sad about it." Juniper said as Julia groaned. "Juniper, I told you I'm fine." Julia said as Juniper shook her head at me.

The truth was I knew that Julia was sad and I knew she was hiding it but Juniper confirming it made my heart break.

"Your sissy is stronger than she thinks, but she needs you and the rest of your siblings to give her lots of love." I explained as she nodded.

"Like this?!" Juniper asked then attacked Julia with a hug. "Exactly like that." I said with a laugh.

"We miss you." Carter said as I nodded. "I miss you guys, too. It's getting late though, you guys should get to bed." I said and raised my brows.

"You can't tell us what to do, you ditched us." Sam teased as I nodded. "Don't be mean to him or he'll never come back!!" Juniper screeched causing me to laugh.

"I'm coming back. You guys just need to go to bed so I can talk to Jules." I said as he nodded. "I get it. You guys want to be all smoochy and stuff." Sam said as I nodded.

"Yup. So you have a choice to stay and hear it or you can go to bed." I hummed causing Carter to get up and throw the phone at Julia.

"Goodnight guys." Julia said and watched as the older kids left. "Sissy, will you tuck me in?" Juniper asked as Julia nodded.

"I'll call you back, babe." She said then hung up. I sighed then leaned back, looking at the notes in front of me.

I had a sick feeling that these people were playing with us, stringing us along so they could distract us.

Right now felt like the calm before the storm and I wasn't ready for what was coming.

I've been timid about getting into the action but we seriously needed to start training. Whoever we were fucking with was smarter than us.

I couldn't just let these people win. If I was going to be back in the game, I had to be fully back.

No more holding back.

I sat after to get mildly concerned when Julia didn't call back. I assumed that she might have falledn asleep but the only thing I could think about was her being in danger.

I needed to use that fear and rage to get out of here and get back to her.

I did some work, making a schedule to get some training in.

It hasn't been long since I've shot a gun but it's been forever since I've been in actual combat with someone.

I was rusty and it was honestly the first thing I should have done. If someone were to attack me right now, I assumed that my instincts would kick in but you just never know.

Once I was done planning the next couple days I decided to go back to the house to get some rest.

"Hey, Colby?" Stas asked as I went to go upstairs. "What's up?" I asked as she sighed.

"Uhhh...do you have any idea when Sam will be back?" She asked and shifted awkwardly.

"No idea, why?" I asked as she looked up at me. "Kat went back home...she couldn't handle all of this and I guess I'm just worried about her." She said as I nodded.

"We're working on it. It's good she went away, especially since she's out of the country." I explained as she sighed.

"It's really cool that you came back. Is Julia okay with it?" She asked as I nodded.

"As okay as she can be. Goodnight, Stas." I said then went up the stairs.

I didn't want to be harsh but I didn't want to talk much about my relationship.

The girls were always trying to be in my business and if even if I trusted them fully, I didn't feel comfortable talking about Julia to anyone besides Nate, Jake, and Corey.

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