Chapter Six: Million Reasons

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CHAPTER SIX: "Million Reasons" by Lady Gaga

AN: Picture above is actress Haley Atwell, whom I imagine as Molly Schofield

Trigger warning: This chapter contains depiction of domestic/spousal abuse and references to abortion

Molly found herself tossing and turning in her bed that night, her body and mind restless as she mentally wrestled with the thoughts in her mind.

As she tried to calm herself down enough to sleep, she thought about the plan her dear brother had planned to further guarantee her safety and that of Cici and Elle. A pang of guilt spread within the forefront of her mind, feeling the throb of the bruises imprinted on her throat...

What kind of mother failed in protecting her children from harm? And when that threat was her own husband, the man she had valued and depended on as her partner in life and love...

The faded sting in her knuckles enflamed her skin as she curled her hands underneath her pillow, closing her eyes and finally willing herself to sleep.

She dreamt of the events of her deteriorating marriage which seemed a whole lifetime ago...

In the spring of 1910...

Her discovery of being eight weeks pregnant with Cecelia, and James proposing to her right there and then when she had told him... promising her everything and sweeping her off her feet with his intelligence and charm.

Will and their father's cautious reaction to her plans to marry this man, almost 20 years older than her, she had barely known but had seduced her, taking advantage of her vulnerability and loneliness, her yearning to be held by someone and believing the sweet nothings whispered in her ear of how perfect and beautiful she was.

How she had ignored Will's protesting her marrying James whom he had an uneasy feeling about, wanting to protect her only as a brother would look out for the beloved sister who had raised him from infancy. How Will had sworn to support her in the matter of her being with child in her unwed status...

How she had forsaken her youth as an adolescent girl to make sure her baby brother was fed and clothed and nurtured, their father never remarrying following their mother's death in childbirth...

Their wedding had been quick and quite unceremonious, Will reluctantly standing as best man and exchanging disapproving side glares with James. It was no secret between the two men they possessed not a hint of familial affection towards each other. Just mutual animosity and discourse...

No glamorous white bridal gown for Molly or a doting audience of guests in the church pews.

Not even a single ring of celebratory wedding bells...

Just the signing of her father and Will as witnesses and the disappointed stare of the scrutinizing pastor towards her, his condemning glare aimed at her slightly rounded stomach hidden by her Sunday best frock.

Everything seemed to go well, despite the circumstances of the wedding itself...

Seven months later, Molly gave birth to their beautiful daughter after fifteen hours of labor... and James was vocal about his resentment of not having a son born instead.

He would barely acknowledge their daughter's existence, leaving Molly to care for their growing child while he was gambling away the money left for them after the Schofield patriarch's death. James was in the more archaic state of mind that girls were less valuable than boys.

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