t h i r t e e n

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It was around 11:30 pm and Valerie was starting to get pretty tired. She had been watching a movie for the last hour, to pass time.

Suddenly she heard her phone ringing and she glanced over to see who it was, a smile plastering on her face when she read his name. It was Jagger, and it was a facetime call.

She repositioned herself on the couch so she was sitting up straight and picked up her phone, pressing accept and watching as his face popped up on the screen, she couldn't hide the clear excitement on her face. "Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"Hey.. can't sleep." He responded, almost as if he was embarrassed. "The guys are all sleeping so I couldn't think of anyone else to call." He said with a shrug. He was wearing a Full Circle hoodie and some shorts, his hair was messy and he looked very tired.

"You can call me anytime, I love talking to you." She said with a soft smile, standing up and heading towards her bedroom, peaking out the window and noticing the rain, a small grin forming on her face as she turned her attention back to the screen. "I have an idea."

He looked slightly confused and almost a little worried from the mischievous look on her face. "And what would that idea be?" He questioned.

"Meet me outside of Jason's house in like.. ten minutes." She said with a smile before hanging up with no other words said.

He was confused but shrugged it off, going onto his social medias while he waited the ten minutes, which felt like an eternity.

Valerie stuffed her phone into the pocket of her jeans and headed out to the kitchen, grabbing her keys and making her way out to her car.

It was raining the hardest it had in weeks, she loved the rain so this just made her even more excited. She hopped into her car and quickly drove off.

Like planned, she showed up about ten minutes later and as soon as he heard her car pull up he hopped up and headed out the front door. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her, watching as she pulled the mirror in her car down and messed with a few strands of her hair before closing it and getting out of the car.

She shut the car door and made her way over to him with a smile. "So.. what are we doing out in the rain?" He questioned, still slightly confused.

"You really haven't figured it out yet? We're going to dance in the rain!" She said excitedly, grabbing his hand and pulling him out from under the roof of the porch and into the pouring rain.

"That's so cheesy." He said with a sarcastic groan, although he was clearly excited with a bright smile that threatened to form on his face.

"Stay here." She said before quickly going over to her car and plugging her phone into it, shuffling a playlist she had made a while back specifically for rainy days like this, the first song being "Sparks Fly" by Taylor Swift, one of her favorite songs.

She shut the car door once again and basically ran back over to him in excitement. She gently wrapped her arms around his neck, her wrists resting on his shoulders.

Naturally, he placed his hands onto her waist with a smile as they rocked back and forth. He grinned ever so slightly as he took her hand and spun her around, this time pulling her even closer once she turned back in his direction.

THAT'S MY GIRL | JAGGER MOONWhere stories live. Discover now