f o u r

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Valerie had woken up pretty early that morning, she had no reasoning behind it simply just that she couldn't sleep so decided to just get up and start her day a bit earlier than normal. She was currently in the kitchen making herself something for breakfast and decided to see what Jagger was up to for the day.

Valerie had a dance class later that day and figured since it's something they share a love for maybe she could bring him along for today's class. Of course she shared the love for dancing with all of them but with Jagger it felt different, like they both deeply connected their emotions to dance and that was something she admired.



jagger 🪩

hey!! I still really want
to hang if you're down. I've
got a dance class later tonight
and thought maybe you could
tag along?

jagger 🪩
wow you're up early. yeah,
I'd love to! it's always fun
going to a different dance
class than the ones I'm
used to.

perfect :) who's place are
you staying at? I can swing
by and pick you up before
the class!

jagger 🪩
I'm staying at Jason's!

great :) can't wait! see you


The two of them had pretty ordinary days, just patiently waiting for the time of the dance class to roll around. Even though they were nothing but friends they just couldn't wait to see each other again. To Valerie, Jagger was just comfortable. She didn't feel like she had to put on any sort of mask or anything around him, which was weird for her considering they had only met a few days prior.

Before they knew it, it was 2:30 pm, dance would begin in half an hour. Valerie looked at the time and smiled to herself, she was genuinely really excited to get to spend this time with him. She picked her keys up from the side table near her front door and headed out.

About 15 minutes later she reached Jason's home and sent Jagger a quick text to let him know she was there.



hurry or I'm gonna honk

jagger 🪩
damn okay, I'll be out soon


Valerie smiled to herself. Soon enough, there he was running out the front door. She then unlocked the doors and watched as he hopped into the passenger seat.

"Lovely seeing you again, Miss Valerie." He said in a joking tone with a soft smile.

Valerie rolled her eyes with a smile she couldn't fight. "You too I guess." She joked.

With that, they were off. They made it to the class just in time and walked in together, making their way to the back of everyone else considering they had shown up a bit late.

The entire class the two of them were laughing and just having a good time. At once point they told everyone to buddy up so of course they did and they went all out, just enjoying the class, and maybe each other's presence too. The class lasted around two hours and they were both worn out afterwards but had a fun time.

"That was fun, we'll have to do that again sometime, seriously." Valerie said with a bright smile, pulling the hair tie put of her hair and letting her hair loose.

"Absolutely." Jagger replied with a genuine and bright smile in response.



imjaggermoon dancing makes me happy📸: @thevaleriemarie

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imjaggermoon dancing makes me happy
📸: @thevaleriemarie


thevaleriemarie today was fun!!!
      ^imjaggermoon yes ma'am
              view 10 replies

_seangarrity you look extra short in this one
     ^imjaggermoon 🖕🏼
            ^thevaleriemarie you tell him

randomuser I'm so confused

randomuser doesn't she have a boyfriend??
    ^thevaleriemarie friends.

randomuser Valerie's missing out on a real

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authors note

excited for the next chapter tbh 🫢 also kinda proud of myself for coming up with Val-Larry hope you guys find it as funny as i do 😭

THAT'S MY GIRL | JAGGER MOONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora