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The two sat across from each other on the couch in the living room, Valerie's legs were crossed and up onto the couch so she could face him easily. "Jagger?" Valerie said looking at the boy, who was very obviously nervous, fidgeting with his hands.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out. "I know you just got out of a relationship but.. the moment just felt right and I really just wanted to take the chance, I hope we're still okay." He said, looking at Valerie worriedly.

Valerie's face scrunched up in slight confusion as she reached forward and took his hand. "Hey, don't apologize. The kiss was great, if I was upset I would have made that very clear, I promise."

He felt a rush of relief as he listened to what she said, a small smile forming on his face.

Valerie thought to herself for a moment before speaking again. "Jagger, I really like you. But.. I just don't think I'm ready for another relationship yet. I just had my heart broken less than a month ago, I just need time."

Jagger nodded, understanding where she was coming from. "I really like you too, you make me feel a way nobody else has ever made me feel. I'm willing to wait and give you the time you need, okay?"

Valerie nodded with a soft smile. "Then, friends? Just for now, until I can figure things out."

"Friends." He reassured, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

She gently brushed some of the hair out of his face with a smile as she stood up, indicating that she had to go. "I've got some things I need to do at home so I've gotta get going, but I'm glad we had this talk, I couldn't stand not talking to you."

"Me neither, the boys wouldn't stop staying how boring I've been these last few days without you there. We love having you around in the studio by the way." He said with a smile, pulling her into a hug.

"I'll see you soon." Valerie smiled and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek before making her way out the door, immediately feeling relieved that they were able to talk things out.

authors note

a little bit of a short chapter but i needed to get this part out of the way so we can get to the fun part 🥳 going to start working on the next chapter as soon as this one is uploaded so i hope you're ready!!!

THAT'S MY GIRL | JAGGER MOONWhere stories live. Discover now