Chapter 2

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Kire's POV

As I finished my breakfast, I decided it was time to take a bath and get dressed for school. I absentmindedly brushed my hair, lost in deep imagination about how my day would unfold.

My thoughts took an inappropriate turn as I began to imagine my sister in a perverted way. Shaking my head, I dismissed the thoughts, reminding myself it was inappropriate, and quickly finished getting ready.

Once I had packed my things, I bid goodbye to my mother and planted a kiss on her cheeks. With a spring in my step, I set off from my house towards school. The walk wasn't too far, so I usually enjoyed the fresh air and quiet moments before the chaos of the school day.

As I strolled along, I began to sense someone following me. Initially, I didn't pay much attention, dismissing it as a mere coincidence.

However, as the feeling persisted and grew stronger, alarm bells started ringing in my head. Who could be following me? And why?

Just as I was about to turn around and confront the person tailing me, the roar of a motorcycle engine shattered the stillness of the morning.

Startled, I looked to my side and was shocked to see a beautiful Ducati pull up beside me. The sleek black and red machine caught my eye, but what captivated me, even more, was the rider.

A stunning woman, oozing confidence and charm, sat astride the Ducati. Her windblown hair framed a mischievous smile that seemed to hold a hint of danger. My cheeks flushed, and I quickly averted my gaze, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and fascination.

The woman chuckled, clearly amused by my reaction, and revved the engine. With a burst of speed, she shot off like a bullet, leaving me in awe of her skill and daring. The motorcycle's engine roared in the distance as she disappeared around a corner, leaving me in a cloud of dust.

Confused and still reeling from the encounter, I glanced back, trying to catch a glimpse of the mysterious follower. To my surprise, the person tailing me appeared to be as bewildered as I was. Their odd behavior added another layer of intrigue to an already bewildering morning.

Curiosity gnawed at me as I continued my journey to school.

As I arrived at school, I caught sight of the stranger woman on the Ducati entering the school gate. "Who might she be?" I wondered aloud, my curiosity piqued. However, I didn't dwell on it for long as I made my way inside the school building. With a heavy sigh, I headed straight to my desk, bracing myself for another challenging day.

The first subject of the day was Basic Calculus, a class that I found both difficult and incredibly dull. Leaning my head on my desk, I sought a moment's respite, hoping to gather some energy to face the upcoming lessons. But just as I closed my eyes, a familiar voice cut through the silence.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," an annoying voice taunted. I opened my eyes to see Yana, our class representative, standing beside my desk. Yana and I had a knack for quarreling inside the classroom, so her sudden presence piqued my curiosity even more. "What does Yana want from me now?" I thought, slightly annoyed.

"I noticed that woman on the motorcycle following you this morning," Yana began, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It seems like she took quite an interest in you." I frowned, finding her statement both intriguing and unsettling. "What do you mean, Yana? Why would she be interested in me?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Yana chuckled, clearly relishing the opportunity to share some gossip. "Well, Kire, word gets around quickly, you know," she said, leaning in closer. "Rumor has it that she's part of a secret motorcycle club that has been keeping an eye on certain students at our school." My eyes widened in surprise and confusion. A secret motorcycle club? This was not the kind of information I expected to hear.

Seeing my reaction, Yana continued, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "They say this club is involved in some shady activities and has connections to the underworld," she whispered, a mix of excitement and caution in her voice. "And it seems like they've taken a particular interest in you, Kire. Maybe you have some hidden talents or secrets they want to uncover."

A shiver ran down my spine as Yana's words sank in. The idea of being watched by a mysterious motorcycle club and their enigmatic woman rider sent a chill through my veins. It was an unsettling thought, but part of me couldn't help but be intrigued by the notion of having a hidden connection to this secret world.

As Yana smirked, relishing in my bewilderment, I couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and excitement.

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