failure, is in fact fatal.

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Beyoncé G. Knowles
Times Square, Manhattan, New York

Me and Nika sat next to each other, looking at the clock waiting for the phone to ring

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Me and Nika sat next to each other, looking at the clock waiting for the phone to ring. The night before was a anxious one. It took me forever to get her to go to sleep. After hours of assurance she finally complied and went to sleep.

The classic ringtone blared through the room and I was quick to accept the call we had been waiting for.

"Hm. Desperate I see." Brent's voice answered the phone causing both of our eyes to roll in annoyance.

"Cut the shit, where is he at?" I replied standing to my feet.

"You know for someone who needs my help you sure are rude."

"Where is he?"

"Meet me at the cafe around the corner from your house"

"Wait how do you know where my-" I was cut off by the sound of him hanging up on me.

"This bitch-" I mumbled trying to redial the number but it was already disconnected.

"Well let's go" Nicki called holding the front door open. I nodded, grabbing my key to the blacked out Escalade that sat in the garage. I had a slight feeling shit would get messy.

"Let's see where this bastard is" I said to myself as I held the door to the cafe open for Nika following in behind her. The cool air hit me calming me a bit as I scanned the cute layout. I was surprised that I'd never been in here before.

"He looks like a bitch, I bet you a hundred dollars that that's Brent" Nicki said as she tugged on my arm and nodded towards a guy sitting, scrolling on his phone.

We approached the man, standing in front of him waiting for him to look up.

"Nice of you to show up Beyonce, Onika" He nodded after he called each of our names.

"I'm really tired of asking where Mathew is" I sighed waiting for him to answer the question. Everyone was tired of this whole situation and nika wanted nothing more than to have ming in her arms again.

"He's holding her at this-"

His eyes grew wide as he looked ahead of him, Shots were fired and his body fell limp.

I quickly turned my head to find the harassing teacher, Morgan Knowles shaking in her boots with the gun held up.

Chaos surrounded us but that didn't matter, I needed the bitch alive. She was the only one who could get me to Mathew now.

I dived at her, the both of us colliding with the floor, quickly grabbing the gun before putting the safety back on and tucking it away in my pants.

I knew Morgan wasn't bad enough to do anything so she was the least of my worries. I stood up, grabbing her by her weirdly large ear and pulling her alongside me.

Onika slid herself out the chair before closing Brents eyes and rushing to open the door for me since I did have a jittery Morgan in tow.

I opened the door and shoved her in the back seat before going to the other side to open the door for nika.

I dialed up my mom, I knew she would know what to do with Morgan. She sent me a address only five minutes away from where we were. I cut that down to two minutes, I had such a bad feeling in my stomach.

I parked the car and unbuckled my seat belt about to get out but nikas voice caused me to freeze.

"Hold on baby." She said softly before reaching back and thumping Morgans forehead and a punch to the face to follow.

Morgans screeches filled the car before her lips were twisted up. "That's for shooting too closely to my wife bitch." She growled before releasing her lips shoving her head back in the process.

Two big ass guys came out of nowhere and retrieved Morgan from the back seat. I didn't even question it. I knew what type of business my mom held but she always was sure to keep me out of it.

Not even two minutes into the drive, my phone dinged with the address Mathew had babygirl at.

The car filled with silence as I drove, Plenty of calls were made in the span of the car ride. I made sure everyone knew not to call the police.

Someone was going to die.

Pulling into the shady parking lot, a old building stood. Mathews car sat beside it and the door next to it was open. I didn't have time to wait on our people. If there was a chance that ming was still alive then we had no time to waste.

"Giselle" Mathews voice called out causing me and nikas heads to shoot up.

In some sort of see-through box stood mathew and ming being held by the collar of the same my little pony shirt that she had on the day of.

"Let her go, please" Nika pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.

"Beyonce, this all could've been avoided if you had just listened and not ran your mouth to this one." He said nodding towards Nika.

"This also could've been avoided if you hadn't have killed your own mother. Fuck is wrong with you?" I raised my voice slightly.

"I told you specifically not to utter a word on what you saw, Yet you did and then had the nerve to take away my daughter. Where the fuck is she?"

"Your daughter.. You know what? I shouldn't have even been surprised. You both are twisted in the head."

"Oh I'll show you twisted" He boomed, I watched him bend down and mings screams were met with our ears. "NOOO SISSY HELP PLEASE" her small voice cried and before I could protest shots rang out, blood splattering on the clear window.

"OH MY GOD" Nika screamed taking off towards the stairs that led up to where he stood with a grin on his face.

I was right behind Onika, kicking the door down I quickly lunged at Mathew.

All I saw was red as my fist beat his face in, Onikas screams and sobs filled my ears. Footsteps and yelling filled the cold, dark atmosphere. Feeling myself getting pulled off of Mathew I stared down at my bloody knuckles and his unrecognizable face.

"She- I failed her" I cried in my moms arms as Wayne grabbed Mings limp body from Nicki's arms.

She laid in her sisters blood, her body shaking with each sob that left her body.

Seemingly, everyone in the room knew nothing would be the same for the any of them.

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