Corean's Dilemma

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  Sweat covered the entire body of Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett the Usurper and the Kin Slayer as a faint gasp escaped from his parched thin lips. With his lips agape, he rose from the sweat-covered silk white sheet. The crimson and azure hue of sunlight peeking through his drapes signified the sands of time that already passed by ever since he fell asleep. The room's balcony was closely locked from the inside while the sleeping black-furred jaguar was sleeping on the plush carpet right in front of the balcony doors like what his wife instructed according to his wife, should a person aside from his wife, the handmaiden Lily would come in... then Dagger – the pet his wife gifted him for their wedding – should attack it to death.

His wife could be pretty extreme when she wanted to... and he could not ask for more. It was a huge turn-on.

Corean could not help the corners of his lips from curling up just by remembering his wife's nonchalant expression turning into a big mother hen before she went to do the duties he should have. After meeting Victoria, the changes in his life were astronomical and all of them were welcomed by him with open arms – be it for the better or for the worse.

Corean learned that his wife was practically controlling all the maidservants tasked to serve the envoy of the Kingdom of Altera. No. Not only the maidservants for the envoy of the Kingdom of Altera, but all the other Households also had a handful of spies planted there as well. Aristocrats, nobilities, merchants, and even from the slums of Pivet Alley, Queen Victoria Rozenreff Eckrett were all in control.

His wife's network of information had grown on a colossal scale. It was as if she got eyes watching every move of her chess pieces along with her enemies.

For now, Corean remembered his wife mentioned the Northern Regions. He thought that there was a big possibility that she would send spies there as well.

'Well, only Arin could confirm this... I better ask my wife later.'

Sitting on his bed, the silk blanket slipped – showing his bare and bandaged torso which was placed to put up a show when in fact it had already healed. They needed to do this in order to feed something to the spies planted by the enemies in the palace.

Corean watched his wife last morning ground roots and leaves before she applied them into her fingernails like nail polish before she trotted towards him and enters her fingers into his mouth. One thing led into another and the next thing they knew, they were humping and grinding like rabbits in heat again. Sometimes, he would often fantasize about having an heir already.

He would not pull out no matter how his wife asked him to and when she would flip from anger, he would immediately straddle her and pound her so that she could forget about safety measures.

'Safety measures be damned, I want my queen heavy with my child in her womb... if only that Altera bastard did not come!'

"How I miss my wife," muttered Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett to himself. Muttering those words under his breath as he combed his hair with his fingers, his stormy golden eyes were lingering in the direction of the double doors – hoping to see it opened any time soon.

'Because of that son of a bitch Altera, our honeymoon was cut short and my plan to have an heir has been delayed! I need to sort out this problem soon! The sooner the better!'

A cold glint flickered at the depths of his golden eyes. Jaws clenched, Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett made a decision right there and then.

"My love, where are you now? This poison side effects will not kill me, missing you will!" Since his wife was the only one who got the key to his chambers from the outside, Corean stood from the bed with nothing but a robe on his body. His shoulder-length brown hair glinted against the darkness which was slowly creeping in inside the room where no lights were turned on.

With his enhanced vision, his strides toward the receiving area of his chamber did not falter. Tying his hair with nothing but his hair alone, he strode towards the tea set since he was planning to brew some Chamomile tea for his wife. He knew how the paper works could be pretty tedious sometimes so he only hoped that his very capable wife would tone it down since she was also handling the Secret Council and she needed to take care of herself more than she took care of him.

Though it was quite sweet and he absolutely loved how his wife doted on him for food, to bathe, and sometimes even for walking – he could not help but still worry about her.

"Haa... I miss my wife already." For the nth time, Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett sighed while his eyes would occasionally linger on his chamber's double doors.

It was at this moment that it opened creating a clanking sound from his side when he almost dropped the teacup – thanked goodness that he was able to catch the teacup right on time even though the tea was splattered onto the carpeted floor.

The moment the door closed, Corean raced towards his queen – enveloping her into a warm bear hug which the stoic Tori replied with a quick yet sexy hug since she purposely tugged the hair from his nape.

"I'm back, my king," said Queen Victoria Rozenreff Eckrett. Her ruby-red eyes shone with mischief but her fatigue was still apparent for him to see.

Connecting their foreheads together, his hot breath fanned over her eyes while his thumbs were drawing circles on her jaws as if he was soothing her. A deep knot lodged between his brows as his forehead creased upon examining her face closely.

"You are stressing yourself again, my love," said Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett. His chest tightened, totally cursing himself for agreeing to this plan. "Should we stop this façade already? You know that you and you alone are my priority, right?" Worry laced upon each word he spewed but Tori did not like the consequences of such an act.

A chortle escaped from Tori's scratchy throat as she patted his cheeks. "My husband is such an ideal husband. I am so lucky. Don't worry, my love, this wife of yours will do her best to close the net. For now, we are still casting a long rope to catch the biggest fish alone with the small ones in one final swoop."

Tori paused as she stepped away from her, her ruby-red eyes still looking up and down with fervent excitement.

Pinching her chin as he made her seat on the plush couch that Tori longed for ever since she had engaged with the nobilities and aristocrats, a soft sigh escaped from her lips as she leaned back onto the couch while closing her eyes.

"Would you like some tea, my queen? I brewed your favorite, Chamomile tea."

Upon seeing his cheery smile as if he was looking forward to letting her taste the first brewed tea he ever did. The corners of her lips stretched into a huge grin as she accepted the teacup with enormous delight. She did not care about the taste anymore, the fact that it was her husband who made this was enough to drink it all up.

Smelling the tea while she was savoring its unique smell that Yuri always enjoyed, she closed her eyes as she took a sip. Opening one of her eyes, she peeked through her husband who was biting his lower lip with anxiety. "Are you sure this is your first time brewing tea, my king? Because if it really is, then you will be my handmaiden for now. You will be giving Lily a hard time after taking her job from her just so you know."

Delight flashed in Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett's golden eyes. Gone was the dignified emperor he used to portray in front of his people, replaced with a henpecked husband who would only dote on his wife.

"Then let Lilian focus on monitoring and expanding her network of spies, my love. This husband of yours will serve you until the end of time, as long as you will have me." Corean took Tori's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently like a fine gentleman would – only, his pair of predatory golden eyes betrayed his emotion which was filled with a thirst that only his wife would be able to quench.

Raising her fine brows as she sipped her favorite tea, she looked at him. "Stop that look. I need to attend a meeting tomorrow. Keiran Arin and Yei Lin will be coming here tomorrow while posing as servants. Goddess knows how I want to know how they will pull that off."

"Why will they be here?" Corean's attention was successfully pulled by the matters at hand.

"Because... the delegation of the Kingdom of Monakre is here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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