High Seat Of The Queen

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In the office of the emperor where only a handful could enter as they pleased, Tori sat on Emperor Corean's seat while the so-called sun of the empire stood in front of her with a rather ashen face.

With only the two of them inside the grand office filled with regal red silk and golden patterns, Tori leaned against the golden chair with her arms and legs crossed. Both brows raised, a pair of ruby-red eyes sternly pierced through the fidgety emperor.

"Speak," said Tori. Her voice dropped the temperature of the lavish room.

Cory visibly flinched. He could imagine being the in the presence of a starving dragon. He would rather eat her than be eaten by the red-eyed woman in front of him who was out for blood—his blood.

"My love, calm down, will you? I did not know anything about that, I swear!" Cory crossed the distance between them before he pulled Tori into his embrace as he sat at the corner of his golden table, making her straddle him.

With her on his lap and his hands around her waist, Tori was now looking down at him. Her fingers made their way to the back of his head, softly combing his hair—before she tugged his hair sharply, making him tilt his face near hers.

"Then tell me, to whom is the seat of the queen for, my king?" Tori's long fingernails slithered on Cory's face. She inched her body into his heated embrace as she rubbed her chest near his chin. His fingernails trailed around his eyes and in them she saw what she wanted to see ever since she had read the letter—raw hunger for her, an animalistic pleasure that only she could sate.

As long as she possessed Corean's entirety as he did to hers, one could rest easy.

Shivers trailed down her spine when she felt his heated palms making their way to her collarbone, grazing and teasing her breasts, making her nipples ache for something... more.

His calloused palms did not stop. They caressed her bare back once more, engraving a heat in his wake.

"It has been made by my ancestors only for you, my love. Only for you..."

An aroused gasp escaped from Tori's parched lips as she looked up to the grand ceiling, craning her beautiful neck like a bitch in heat.

This gasp pulled the remaining string of restraints from the king.

In one fluid motion, Cory pinned her on the table. The sound of files falling onto the marble floor was the least of her concern when his pink, thin lips kissed her collarbone.

His wet and hot kisses trailed down and stopped right above her exposed cleavage.

A series of sucking noises and muffled moans filled the room that was built for the king to perform his official duties. Arching her back, Tori found her anchor when she tugged his hair, messing his hairstyle in the process.

On instinct, Tori opened her legs, giving Cory the access to lift her dress slowly.

I do not want to lose my virginity here, sadly.

Pulling him up by the collar, Tori initiated the kiss. Teasing him to open his teeth in which she did not need a second more or less to coax him.

Cory deepened their kiss by pressing his body to hers, with no distance between them. Even their pounding hearts beat as one, echoing beyond their souls.

Calloused fingers trailed from her exposed legs to her knees when Tori held his wrists.

A deep sexy voice of Corean resonated from her right ear. "I am not sorry and you know that. Anywhere, anytime, you have me and will continue to have me no matter what." He cupped both of her cheeks to ensure that she was indeed listening to him. "It will always be you before this world. My forefathers might be crying right now upon realizing how the king of this empire could take poison from a duchess. But pay no attention to those around us..." Kissing the junction in between her brows, he continued, his hot breath fanned over her flushed cheeks. "You and I, always and forever. You took that deal when you saved me from that prison cell."

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