Cory's Wedding Gift

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The banquet was in full blast.

Noble and aristocratic households were not separated by factions but were seated side-by-side around the tables. Each was sporting the required merry faces as they put behind their enmity against each other to celebrate the grand wedding of Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett the Usurper and the Kin Slayer.

Each of the invited guests never failed to forget that the seemingly harmless young man sitting on the emperor's throne was someone who waited patiently to take the throne. They never forgot and they would never dare to forget, for there was only one thing that wealthy and powerful folks loved the most—their lives.

The clanking sound of glasses being merrily raised to one another and the bustling murmurs of the guests could not dwindle down the beautiful sound of opera that guided every step of the newly crowned queen as she was being guided by the emperor.

"Look at them. They are so perfect!" One wrinkled noble lady gushed to the other ladies of the high society who were sitting along with her while watching the newlyweds dancing a heartfelt dance.

"Your words couldn't be more right, my dear." A baroness agreed as she enjoyed the tea which was rumored to be loved by the queen.

"No one can understand our Emperor better than our newly crowned queen. They have a pretty long history together I believe." A young noblewoman who has witnessed the turbulent past of the two as a daughter from an aristocratic faction chimed in.

Sighs filled with awe-filled the table, the complete opposite of the young woman who was seated at the far end part with the area with the least lighting. Her knuckles whitened as she clenched her fingers onto her burgundy dress under the table while maintaining her calm facade as if everything she heard was none of her concern.

With a sweet voice, she decided to join in the fray, fully taking advantage of the friendly atmosphere as per her father's instructions. "The imperial harem will be empty I believe."

Even as the noble ladies became quiet abruptly, she continued as if her words did not open the lid of the pandora's box. "I mean, isn't it sweet how their love for each other breaks tradition and—"

"Lady Louvnier!" A wrinkled noble lady stared at Lucia Louvnier with a mixture of an incredulous look and an angry one. "I understand that you and Baron Louvnier are quite new to the capital city so I, no, we will let this slide. But the next time you spew treacherous words, please do not drag other households or we will be forced to relinquish you in High Society."
Lucia lost the colors of her sweetly made-up face.

What did I say wrong? Aren't these ladies being too hypocritical? They must feel the frustration of failing to enter or failing to let their kin enter the imperial harem just like what Father said!
Lucia struggled to maintain her innocent facade in front of the scrutinizing faces of the members of the high society.

As usual, Lucia had to raise the white flag. With a face filled with remorse as she gripped her handkerchief while her eyes filled with unshed tears, she said in a trembling voice. "My sincere apologies, ladies. I did not mean anything from what I said earlier. And Lady Shatue is right. Perhaps I am still not used to the ways of the capital city that led me to such a mistake. I hope you can all forgive my carelessness."

Baron Louvnier, who was seated near the table where his daughter was seated, could not help but gnash his pearly teeth as he listened to what was happening from the next table. He was so focused on the conversation from the next table when Duke Rown Castaña, leader of the noble faction, stood from his seat after the emperor and the queen returned to their thrones.

"As per the empire's culture, it is customary for our emperor, Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett, to present his noble gift to the newly crowned queen, Queen Victoria Rozenreff Eckrett."

Applause rang inside the vast hall when Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett stood to the crowd.
The applause pulled Baron Louvnier from his focus, shifting his attention to the young man with a golden ringlet resting upon his brows. With a red-eyed woman sitting on the throne with equally red gems adorned on it, the baron could not help but gulp. 

The queen's face, who was sitting at the highest podium that only the emperor could come up, could not be seen by the wrinkled baron her glimmering golden curls gleamed under the thousands of light provided by dozens of gigantic chandeliers. The queen's color of hair rekindled the spark of hope in the old noble's greedy heart as he remembered his daughter with equally golden hair.

A pretty golden color. Hmm... I believe that the Emperor loves this color. This hair color is not easy to see in the empire. In this huge area, only two people are sporting the same golden hair. Ha! There is still hope for my daughter!

But Baron Louvnier's train of thought was immediately trashed by the emperor's next words, rendering him immobile for a good moment.

"They said that an emperor's favor to his queen will be measured with how far he will go for his wedding gift." Cory glanced at Tori who still got no clue what was instilled in her. He continued, eyes on the audience and back against the burning gaze of his wife. "This has been a problem for me because right here and right now, I am announcing an imperial edict."

Tori's grip around the armrests of her golden throne became considerably tight.
Like Tori, the audience was on the edge of their seats as well.

Chieftain Keiran Arin of the North stepped forward with a ruler-sized golden box in his hands. He knelt in front of the emperor on one knee with his head bowing down.

Cory carefully opened the box before he continued. "With this sacred crown bestowed from its last predecessor to the next, may this royal ringlet serve as an indisputable witness to my edict. The token of my love to the queen of my choosing is the imperial edict I am placing to myself that there will be no woman in my harem as long as I reign and live."

Gasps filled the silent banquet hall as Cory stepped forward in the direction where Tori was seated. Just as he was about to reach her, he stopped and shocked the crowd when he knelt in front of the equally astounded Tori.

"!!!" With her laced hand covering her lips, Tori was about to pull him up when he refused her by a single smile, rendering her standing in front of him, speechless and teary-eyed.

Cory, the Sun of the Eckrett Empire, stood and raised his hands to offer his wife the crown worn by a Queen Regent. "Accept this crown as you accepted my burdens. This is long overdue, my queen, my love."

Tilting her head down, Tori bit back her tears as she felt the weight of her prize after enduring all the hardships thrown by the plot at her.

Aaah. Finally...

Cheers erupted the moment the two monarchs faced the crowd. Tori's first crown was stealthily taken by Lilian who was wearing a body-laced blue gown.

"You really know how to make me swoon, my king." Tori linked their fingers together as she stared at him, not caring about the hundreds of eyes pinned on her with a mixture of awe and envy—or for some people, hate. She was too ecstatic to give a damn about them.

Kissing her temples, he pulled her by the waist, closing the remaining distance between them—totally not caring about propriety anymore. After all, he had already broken traditions when he beheaded his kin to be the new emperor. 

Though his supporters sugarcoated his actions as revolution, he knew he deserved the title 'Kin Slayer'. But if going down to the empire's history as a villain meant spending his remaining days with the woman he loved, Cory could give not give a single damn about history. Not now, not ever.

Unbeknownst to the couple, a shattered glass lay on the baron's feet as he gazed at the ruby-eyed woman beside the emperor.

That spot... That spot is promised to my daughter! How dare you covet what Lucia is born to have? How dare you!

Madness crept into his eyes, completely oblivious that the one he was eyeing with such hostility was now biting back her malicious grin.

Baron Sato Louvnier, you and your daughter finally entered the game of chess I am playing. Finally, the pieces are completed. Tori thought as a wicked glint passed beneath her ruby-red ones.

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