Rude I know, I put my hair up before exiting my room and towards the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face before leaving the bathroom and walking towards the table, where he said he had left me an envelope

My eyes widened, when I see two tickets for the boys game later today with a note next to it

"Here, are two tickets for you and Avery to go to our game and yes it's the seats you guys always sit in, hope to see you there, Angel"

I stare at the tickets, for a couple more minutes before remembering I have class in 30 minutes and rush back into my room to get ready

After, I finished brushing my hair and putting on my light blue ripped jeans, white crop top, and a black leather jacket with my black and white air forces, before putting mascara and lip gloss

I grab my bag, my computer and phone before running out of the dorm and just as I'm half way towards the elevator I remember, I didn't lock the door behind me

"Shit, shit, shit, get you're shit together Sophia!" I whisper yell, at myself as I ran back to the our dorm room and lock the door before running back to the elevator and get in, releasing a breath and lean against the wall of the elevator

You got this Sophia, no shit head is going to ruin you're day today and if they do smack the living shit out of them, I tell myself as I leave the elevator and walk to the campus building and entering the lecture hall and see the room pitch black, before the lights turn on and everyone is screaming happy birthday as Avery runs towards me

"Happy birthday bitch!" Avery shouts, as the rest of my classmates pop the confetti cans as confetti flys everywhere

"Thank you guys!" I say, as everyone is yelling happy birthday's and wishing me a great day as Mr.Miller smiles and tells everyone to take their seats, and start getting everything ready for class

Me and Avery go to our seats, which is at the very top and sit down as I get the envelope Garrett had left for me, and handing her one of the tickets as she looks at me confused

"What's this for?" Avery said, as she waved the ticket around

"Garrett, left me two tickets for their game today for us to go" I tell her, as I take my computer out and start typing notes

"So, tell me I was the first person to wish you a happy birthday" Avery says, as she takes out her computer and looks at me

"No, babe but if it makes you feel any better you are the second person to wish me a happy birthday!" I rely, with a sarcastic tone as I turn to look at her glaring at me

"Fine, who was the first asshole to wish you a happy birthday?" She says

"Garrett" I tell her, as she looks at me with wide eyes as she shakes my shoulders

"Shut the front door!" She whisper yells, as she turns to the front to see if Mr. Miller wasn't glaring at us

"Yeah, but i was hoping it would be my family but I knew I shouldn't had my hopes up" I tell her, as I bite my lip and turn my attention back to my computer, as she leans her head on my shoulder to comfort me

Finally, after countless hours and minutes of Mr.Miller talking and teaching we get to finally go home, me and Avery are the last ones to leave the lecture hall

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