Chapter 21: Path of The Make Out Lord

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Over at Lisa's house..

Jungkook is giving Lisa a side-eye, as Lisa was glowing with happiness as she smiled at him.

Jungkook sighed, "I'll ask just in case...what happened at school? You're sparkling."

Lisa winked at him. "You don't know! Oh you want to know?"

Jungkook groaned as he looked at her bored. "Usually when you're in a good mood, it has something to do with Roseanne."

Lisa beamed and scratched her head. "Of course it's about Rosie! What else could it have been?" she grinned.

"So annoying!" He rolled his eyes.

Jungkook decided to look back at his manga. "We should be talking about vampires. I don't want to keep having to listen to your girl talk!"

"Says the guy who does nothing but read manga." Lisa narrowed her eyes at him.

Lisa cleared her throat, she looked at him seriously. "Rosie has become immortal." she pointed out.

Jungkook didn't look surprised, more like confused. He shrugged. "You're saying that? Aside from vampires a person becoming immortal basically never happens."

"Mhmmm! That means my love is just that deep!" Lisa said smugly.

Jungkook looked at her with a bored expression. '....really?'

He leaned in close to Lisa. "You really are in love with Roseanne?" he asked.

Lisa blushed. "Th-there's nothing wrong with that!" Lisa defended.

Jungkook sighed and sat down on the floor. "I'm the one who told you "those loved by a vampire gain immortality" but I have no idea what advice to give you right now..."

Lisa grinned. "Oh, I don't want any advice. I just wanted to brag!"

"Just bragging about your love life..." he rolled his eyes.

"If you talk about this at school, there's no telling how big of a deal with will become." he told her.

Lisa hesitated as he was right. "The girls are noisy.."

"You're the worst one..." he grumbled.

'Roseanne became immortal...what going to happen if someone sees those two flirting...' he thought.

He looked at Lisa. 'Oh man...however..' he fully turned to look at her.

"Lalisa, turning someone you love immortal, do you understand what you've done?" He asked her serious.

Lisa looked at him and huffed as she gave a small smile. "Perhaps in the future there will be problems, but as long as I have Rosie, I'll be fine."

Jungkook massaged his neck. "That's true, as long as Rosie is there I don't have to worry. I can leave it to her."

"But, we're back to you boasting!" he groaned as he looked at Lisa.

"What can I say? At least I'm aware of it!" she said with a blush as she looked down at him.

"You're in luck though, "those loved by a vampire become immortal" came from South Korea." he told her. "If you want you can get some good advice from the other vampire." he suggested.

Lisa looked at him surprised at the new information.

"That vampire is way more dependable than I am, a true veteran." he nodded.

"They South Korea?" Lisa asked, eyes wide.

"I know they will be useful to you. An immortal middle aged pair of lovers." he had a scary smile.

Lisa took steps back from him. "Middle aged immortals. I can't picture it." Lisa said.

"So then,"


The next day at school....

'Aside from us there's another couple in South Korea...' Lisa thought as she remembered her conversation with Jungkook.

She sighed happily as Rosie snuggled up closer to her. 'This feeling...'

Rosie blushed as she said in a soft voice. "Sorry, Lili. This feels a lot better than I thought it would."

Lisa smiled and caressed Rosie's hair, who turned to look at her. "I like being together like this, makes my heart beat fast."

Rosie lifted her head and blushed even more. "Here is bad...but I really want you to..." she trailed off as she felt embarrassed.

"If you say something so cute I'm going to take it seriously." Lisa said as she leaned closer to her.

Rosie leaned on Lisa again, as she hold onto her arm. "I want to flirt more..."

"We have forever, there's plenty of time." Lisa smiled.

"Forever with's like a dream..." Rosie whispered.

"it would have been fun to grow old together." Lisa said as Rosie looked up at her. "But being together forever is even better."

Both girls stood up and looked at each other, blushing. "Best past is now I get to see the adorable Rosie forever!" Lisa said happily. "There's no words for how amazing that is."

"I'm also glad that Lili's cuteness is eternal." Rosie said.

"Rosie!" Lisa wasn't expecting that. Rosie looked to the side, "..That is."

Rosie squirmed a little. "I love Lili's beautiful I'm glad..." Rosie said.

Lisa blushed at her bold words. She grinned and leaned in towards Rosie who covered her face with her hands, to hide the blush. "What a bold thing to say!"

"I want to convey how I feel! I've been patient!" Rosie whined.

"Too much fun!" Lisa teased.

Lisa turned to look ahead. "But we can't tell anyone, have to keep it to ourselves..." Lisa nodded.

Rosie turned to look at her. "Thank you for that."

"But..."Lisa thought about her friends and classmates.

"We can't tell Jennie or Jisoo about the immortality." Lisa told her. "The other we tell them we're lovers?"

Rosie blushed as she looked down. "I'm sorry everyone...I'm hogging Lili all to myself..."

Lisa comforted her with a smile. "All of a sudden, I think everyone already knew." Lisa chuckled.

Rosie turned to look at Lisa and pouted as she put her hands on Lisa's face, squishing her cheeks, making a silly face. "You should be aware of how popular you are, it makes me a little worried."

"Fufufu..." Lisa laughed.

Rosie let go of Lisa. "Well then," Lisa leaned in close to Rosie.

"Let's stay like this, for now at least." Lisa suggested.

"For the time being, I'll keep out love a secret." Lisa smiled.

Rosie smiled and nodded. "Mhmm."

Later that day...

"Lisa, you're a bad girl..."

Jennie had her arms crossed as she confronted Lisa and Rosie, Jisoo behind her.

"Have you two crossed the line?" Jennie raised an eyebrow.

The girls were shock at her words and blushed.

Immediately exposed.

Rosie and Lisa squirmed a little as they blushed. "She proposed." Rosie said.

"I did." Lisa nodded.

"Propo..?!" Jisoo and Jennie were shock at the news.

More roses.

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