Part 148 (Crowned tundra arc part 1)

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(This arc takes place after the 3 separate but before they're all in that big city but unaware of each other's presence in that city)

(We see (Y/N) is on a train as he arrives at his stop as he gets off and into the station as he opens his bag but we cut away as he steps out of the station as he's now in winter clothing attire as he looks at the place covered to the brim in snow and ice as he hears a commotion)

(Y/N): huh? What's going on?

(He rushes off ahead to it and as he arrives he sees a girl running off smiling and waving)

Girl: thanks once again for keeping that geezer busy!

Man: Nia wait! (She runs off as he sighs and then looks mad) okay lad, you've asked for this for buttin' in blindly, time to give you a trouncin'!

Familiar voice: I don't even know who you are! I just ended up here and wanting to do some training!

Peony: well the name's Peony now let's battle!

Zoro: why?

Peony: don't underestimate me! I was once a gym leader in the Galar region and even became champion once upon a. Time ago, I'm far from being weak!

Familiar voice: (sighs) whatever, if it shuts you up then sure.

((Y/N) arrives as we see Peony and the familiar voice is none other than Zoro)

(Y/N): (excited) Zoro!

Zoro: huh? (Looks to see (Y/N)) (Y/N)! Long time no see.

(Y/N): yeah!

Peony: oi lad you're interrupting our battle! I need to get back to my Nia as soon as possible! You wanna fight too I'll take you both on!

(Y/N): sure.

(He then gets two pokeballs out as both (Y/N) and Zoro get a pokeball out)

Peony: copperajah, aggron I choose you! (Sends out copperajah and aggron)

Zoro: kabutops let's go! (Sends out kabutops)

(Y/N): thievul I choose you! (Sends out thievul)

(The battle begins)

Zoro: okay kabutops use liquidation!

(Kabutops charges in and uses liquidation hitting copperajah as copperajah still where it isn't and doesn't even skid back at all)

Zoro: that's one stalwart steel type.

Peony: copperajah use superpower! Aggron use body press!

(Copperajah uses superpower as it goes to hit kabutops)

Zoro: block it!

(Kabutops is hit and puts it's blade arms up to try and block as the attack causes it to skid back a lot and it has damage but it's till up and ready to fight)

(Meanwhile aggron leaps and is about to land on thievul)

(Y/N): now use dig!

(Thievul uses dig avoiding aggron and hits it in the back for heavy damage but as we see aggron get hit on the back and fall forward we see it do a quick 180 degree turn and hit Theivul with body press dealing massive damage too)

(Y/N): thievul!

(We see aggron is on top of thievul and thievul is trapped)

Zoro: alright kabutops time for our newest move, use rock slide!

Peony: you two keep your guard up!

(Kabutops uses rock slide as it summons rocks and fires them as copperajah is batting away any rocks that come at it with its trunk as aggron is hit in the back as the rocks that head its way like on top of aggron's back as Zoro grins)

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