368 7 3

TW: Self harm and bad thoughts

'Kill yourself'


'Attention seeker'



'Just kill yourself'

'No! What would everyone think?'

'They'll be happy that you're gone, they don't have to deal with a burden like you anymore'

'No! They care, Shota cares, Hizashi cares, Nemuri cares, Mina cares, Kirishima cares, our class cares'

'Are you that stupid (Y/n)? They don't care and never will, just like Daichi'

You grab the knife and slide it over both of your arms, over and over again, staring at the pretty crimson dripping down the drain. You cut another one and winced, this one was pretty deep, might need stitches. You exhale and let out a breath, smiling, the pain and the crimson always relaxed you, it was like a drug. You wrapped your arms in toilet paper, pulled down your sleeves, and headed to the lunch room. Today there was onigiri and miso soup, you sat down next to the Bakusquad.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" you were getting tired of this question, you just lied to make people feel like you're getting better when it's the opposite.

"So-" Kaminari said but got cut off.

Suddenly, you felt something on your body, you saw pieces of miso soup and rice on your uniform, you turned to see the one and only Monoma.

"Heard you got abused huh? One of class 1A's students got abused and didn't stand up for themselves, how are you going to be a hero when you can't even save yourself from a simple situation?" He says with a laugh.

"What's the point of speaking useless topics that are none of your business?"

"Oh it is very much my business, I could get out of a situation with an abuser easily, but you didn't, you know why?"

"What the hell is your point?"

"You're a masochist, that's why. That's why you have those cuts don't you? It's because you like the pain, what a freak"

'Why can't I move?!' You must be wondering why you can't move, it's because I copied a quirk that can paralys you for a while, that's why I'll do this. He lifts up your left sleeve and unwraps the cuts.

"Fresh ones you got there, haven't you? Damn those are pretty deep, since you're a masochist you'll probably like this." He grabs a bottle of cologne and dumps it on your arm.


"I thought you liked pain, don't you like this? I bought it for you! Or are you just an ungrateful brat?"

"You damn bastard!" Bakugou says and gets up aiming his explosions on Monoma.

At the last second, his explosions go out, and you can move again. Monoma gets wrapped in a capture weapon and you break down on the floor crying from the pain, cologne hurts a lot on even the smallest cuts, one was really deep and it went inside, cologne was in all of your cuts, burning like hell.

Everyone saw your cuts, they saw how much of a crybaby you are, how weak you are. You look up and see Shota, he looks angrier than you ever saw him.

"I-It hurts so m-much p-please make it s-stop" you say, crying more.

He tries to get the cologne out with a napkin, it helped a little bit but of course not a lot.

"Just suck it up you weak bitch!" Monoma screams from behind and you see Bakugou slap him and curse at him.

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