Possible rewrite?

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Hey guys! So it's been ages since I actually wrote this and my writing style is way more improved. I'm gonna start rewriting this and not leaving inconsistencies in the story.

Update August 22nd 2023:

Oh my. I am so sorry if you read this book it is unbelievably cringy and makes me want to hurt myself. I am definitely updating this bc you guys are still reading this (tbh idfk why but okay? ) all the characters act they way I did in 2021 and I'm sorry you experienced that. If this book caused any mental illnesses please contact me so I can pay for your therapy.

Also I hate to become the stereotype but I'm actually on the run atm from my grandma in Africa. For context in live in London. But we're running around east Africa trying to avoid her so that's fun. We started in Uganda and went to Kenya Somalia and we're currently in Tanzania until we have to go to Rwanda for my flight on the 24th back home, fingers crossed hope doesn't catch us or I prolly won't be coming back home x

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