Chapter 1

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Sofia's POV

I woke up to a tapping on the window looking to see who or what it was. It was just Mia robin and Clover. I let them in and they helped me get ready for school. I decided on a lilac gown with dark accents and my normal tiara. My long auburn hair had grown significantly longer since I was at RPA. I slid down the banister and skipped breakfast since Clover had brought me an apple tart. I hopped into the coach with Amber and we set off for ERA .

Hugo's POV

As the coach sped off to CSS I began to mentally prepare my self for being mobbed by every girl at CSS. As soon as I got out of my carriage I was surrounded by a massive crowd. Suddenly a hand grabbed me and pulled me out of the crowd. I was soo grateful it was my friend Charlie accompanied by Bella and Alex. We all ran to my next class before we had to endure the another crowd.

Alex's POV

I noticed that Hugo was a bit distracted today. It was probably nothing anyways.

Sofia's POV

When I walked into school I walked up to my boyfriend Lenard. Recently, I've been felling like I don't love him but it's like there's something forcing me to be with him. I remembered the day I met him and I sang out

🎶 Sugar pie honey bunch,

You know that I love you🎶

He stood there with a smug smile while he tried to hide a a glass bottle with pink dust inside. Could it be? No it couldn't be a love potion. Could it?

Hugo's POV

When I got home from another exhausting day at school, I went to my room when my dad informed me that later we were going to Enchancia for 'important business' oh great this better be interesting.

Sofia's POV

I was getting ready since we were told we were having four different royal families visiting us for dinner . I put on a dark blue dress with fading sapphires with a matching tiara I went downstairs to greet them, ignoring my pounding headache. I was half excited to see who it was; Vivian Desmond Lenard and... Hugo?

Hugo's POV

I'd completely forgotten that I'd be seeing Sofia here! I still had a crush on her since RPA but I'd kinda given up on it when we went to different schools. Maybe I could give it a go now. But suddenly Sofia ran up to someone else and gave him a hug? They can't be together could they?

Sofia's POV

I can't believe I'm seeing my friends again, they all look so grown up. Then I realized Hugo was there are it felt like my heart did six somersaults. But then I felt a pang in my head and all my thoughts turned to Lenard. I suddenly felt my eyes grow heavy and I collapsed. I had a dream that was so vivid but so faraway. I saw a replay of the day me and Lenard started dating and he set a love potion on me! Then I thought of Hugo then the dream became farther and farther away.

Hugo's POV

I immediately picked up Sofia and took her to her room. As I set her down Lenard whispered in my ear to get away from his girlfriend. But it was just a sentence. A sentence that broke my heart. Suddenly I felt movement on the mattress and Sofia woke up. As she opened her eyes pink dust dripped down like tears from her pupils.

Lenard's POV

Oh no! she's not under the spell anymore. That means she's in love with someone else and she remembers what happened. I've got to figure out what to do before she tells anyone.

Sofia's POV

When I woke up I remembered everything and one thing stuck on my mind. Hugo. And that I love him.

(A/N) Ok we've reached the end of the first chapter1 I'm gonna try update at least twice a week. Byeeeeeee!!!

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