Chapter 15

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James' POV

Since Sof left we've all been sitting here on edge just waiting for her to prevail on her most dangerous quest like ever. Wear heard growls and saw flashes of purple and green. We all huddled around the window trying to even catch a glimpse of what was happening. There was another roar (srsly does thing not need to recharge) then a massive flash of purple then silence.....

Sofia's POV

I had done it. I mean it took a but load of energy but if defeated it. I literally had to sit down for a hot minute before I could do anything else. After I'd recollected my brain cells I used my necesikey to enter the safe room. After that it was all a blur. I can vaguely remember that a party was thrown (courtesy of Amber obviously) and that massive celebration.

Five years later?

(A/N) Hi guysssss! This is the penultimate chapter which means I'll be finishing this story next chapter. It's been an interesting journey I think we started back in November 2021. I'll be starting a new story in March because I'm just gonna take a break form worrying about when I'm gonna upload next- Again I'll still be here but just won't be writing. BYEEEEEEE <333


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