Selecting a site to build your house

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To think about building a house in the forest requires first to get the permissions that legal customs in your country use to allow You to build on the property where you want the house. To get there you could walk through the forest and find the desired place, look for the owners and inquire if they sell that piece of land or a similar one. You can announce that you are looking for land in the region, visit web pages or offices specialized in these Kind of offers. Initiating this process was not a problem, for Urbano, he had bought a good lot with several hills that gave natural isolation to his first attempts to build some places to live, perhaps he did not start thinking so seriously about caring for the forest, he Used to believe that It was important to be close to another house or to the place where he parked the car, possibly he made his mind this way more for safety considerations than for his future quality of life, then he discovered the pleasure of enjoying the isolation that forests offers, he discovered that the hills on his land allowed him to build houses for feeling the tree landscape, with large windows and even open-air balconies and he did immerse himself for hours or weeks in the wooded environment, he built houses that had no sight or hearing of any other house, he found peaceful environments where he could enjoy one's existence in the midst of nature despite being in the vicinity of a big city

This exercise in making use of his farm made it easier for him to know the details to look for in the forest to decide which places were the best to build the house he imagined. In short, he acquired excellent locations and today he congratulates himself on the land he selected years ago and makes us a list of aspects to consider when investing in land for a house in the woods.

He emphasizes that in addition to the forest, it is important to have water, electricity and access to the chosen site without problems that are difficult to solve.

For the water it is required that it be clean enough to meet our needs, perhaps an aqueduct service already exists in the region to which to subscribe or otherwise the possibility of building a well from which to extract it, another alternative is to build a deposit to store thé water that you can collect from the rains.

We also need space to responsibly dispose of used water, this implies installing a septic tank and pipes for filters that discharge it on the ground, I repeat, from a special site to treat the used water and then deliver it to the ground, understanding that this requires the capacity of the soil to accept water, avoiding its direct discharge into a lake, a stream or our clean water extraction well.

We live in a time when there is a growing need for electrical energy required by multiple equipment that today's man considers essential, even if living in the forest, for this reason one important factor of our Site analysis is to evaluate the alternatives to have electricity. It is easier in a rural sector close to a town where there are already electrification circuits to which you will surely be able to connect in the future, and even power some electric tools during construction work.

When the chosen land is in a more remote and isolated site, it is necessary to resort to solar panels and wind generation facilities that produce electrical energy for use in the home or to raise water to small dams where that energy is stored and used at the required times when there is no sunlight or appreciable wind.

Access to our house should not be blocked and it is important to verify it to avoid future surprises when we are moving the materials required for construction, our responsibility towards trails and other forest resources that we want to conserve is also important.

In summary, avoid runoff channels, clayey and sandy soil, finally remember that it is very important to know the neighbors who will always be the best help to evaluate and solve problems that may be found in the future.

It is important to bear in mind that today there are forests that are not real forests, which actually belong to the category of large-scale wood manufacturing facilities, they are places without birds, without life outside of the trees of that arboreal monoculture, where a house constitutes a threat to profitability and utilization of the specialized machinery of that kind of lumber mill.

One aspect that may be important is that of a parking lot, in the case of Urbano, who built in the vicinity of a large city, these houses have roads and access to nearby parking spaces, it seems to me that finding a community parking lot in a nearby place is the best solution to preserve the forest environment while You walk to your new home.

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