Chapter 79: NW Summit II

Start from the beginning

May this Summit be a beacon of hope, a catalyst for positive change, and a testament to the strength of our collective endeavors. Together, we can shape a new world that is fair, equitable, and filled with opportunities for all.

Once again, I extend my deepest gratitude to all the distinguished representatives present here today. Let us embark on this journey with unity, resolve, and a shared commitment to a brighter future for all.

Thank you."

Chairman Ahmad Hee concluded his opening speech to resounding applause, which filled the room. The dignitaries and representatives showed their appreciation through a round of heartfelt claps. Chairman Ahmad, wearing a humble smile, made his way back to his seat situated in the center of the hall.

As the applause gradually subsided, a moment of quiet anticipation settled over the room. The attendees took their seats, exchanging nods of approval and engaging in brief conversations with their neighbors. The atmosphere was charged with a renewed sense of purpose.

Chairman Ahmad took his seat in the center of the hall, symbolizing his position as the focal point of the summit and the collective attention of the attendees.

The air was filled with a sense of formality as the attendees organized their notes and adjusted their electronic devices, some of which were unfamiliar to them and required assistance. Conversations were about to begin, centered around the key points from the Chairman's speech. Each delegate from every nation contemplated the possible outcomes of the summit, with some considering how they could benefit from ASEAN's military and economic advantages, while others simply sent their representatives to gain insights into ASEAN's strategies and evaluate their potential benefits for their own countries. However, there were those who genuinely aimed to contribute their perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue.

It was crucial for those attendees who understood the importance of ASEAN, for various reasons, and recognized the potential benefits it could bring to actively engage in shaping the summit's outcomes. The Chairman's opening speech had set the tone for the beginning of substantive discussions that awaited the participants.

Gradually, the room quieted, signaling the transition from applause to the summit's agenda. The attendees focused their attention on the tasks at hand, ready to contribute their ideas and engage in constructive exchanges for their mutual benefit.

And so, with the applause fading into the background, the summit carried on. The stage was set, and the attendees were prepared to embark on a collective path of collaboration and negotiation.

With Chairman Ahmad Hee's opening speech, the New World Summit officially commenced. The stage was set, and the attendees were ready to contribute their perspectives.

PRC Ambassador to Singapore Seat

Sitting next to the East Timor president were Laurian and Southern Philades Governors, each having their own set of tables and seats separate from other ASEAN allied new world countries and friendly nations. This arrangement aimed not to highlight their individual importance and roles in the summit - rather, precautionary measures not to be overly close to other countries representative as preventive measures of ASEAN.

And the countries, such as Central Law, Argatha, Eimor, and Esperanto-Heiskanen, who have yet to formally establish diplomatic ties with ASEAN and were not seated among the ASEAN allied countries. However, there was one peculiar case where diplomatic ties with an already allied country had to be renewed due to the change in leadership. Altaras, for instance, experienced a change in rulership as the King's health deteriorated, and Queen Lumina or former Crown Princess Lumiess assumed the throne. It is customary for many monarchies in the new world to renew their diplomatic ties with allied countries following a change in leadership and potential policy adjustments.

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