Lost Emotions

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Those boys had freed her
And yet she still wondered why
She wondered why he had let her
Give her life one more try

This girl's life had gotten back on track
With a few bumps in the road
She had never really forgotten
About what she now owes

That seasonal boy with eyes of green
Sits on the roof near the stars
And wonders
'What has she done to me?'
'Since when had my life become ours?'

This story of villain turned hero
Is like the stages of the moon
From darkness into light
Oh how this girl made him swoon
BUKERCBKHEDKBHVBLJEFVBJKJVJKEKNJVJBEFKHNE!!! Thank you guys sooooooooo much for 100 reads. Please enjoy the small thing I made for the occasion (I'm such an artist!(note the sarcasm))

As always, please leave your feedback in the comments, and have a magical rest of your day/night (depending on when your reading this, and which time zone you are in, it is currently 10:56pm here)

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