Chapter 7

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Ava found herself subconsciously stepping to the beat of the organ's music as she walked down the aisle of the royal ceremonial hall. While a few guests had come from other kingdoms to attend, the vast majority of attendees were the peasant townsfolk of Glenfield. Through her bedroom window, she had seen entire families camped outside of the castle for days hoping to secure a spot to attend the royal wedding. They probably weren't actually excited to see me married off, Ava thought. They probably just wanted to come for the reception feast.

    Townsfolk whispered to each other as she walked by. Ava felt the metal blade of the knife against her skin from underneath her long white glove.

    "Smile, Ava," Queen Ann reminded her in a low voice from behind her. "The kingdom is watching."

    She couldn't follow her mother's order when at the end of the aisle stood Sir Nicholas. He was in dress robes. Ava had never seen him without some level of armor on. Still, even put together, he looked scary to Ava. He towered over her as she reached the end of the aisle.

    Reverend Geoff led a sermon, but Ava couldn't even pretend to pay attention. All she could think about as he spoke was Ophelia. What had happened to her?

    After a solid fifteen minute speech. Reverend Geoff turned to Ava, King Robert, and Queen Ann. "I would like to formally request your blessing–both as monarchs and as parents. Is there any reason why Princess Avalyn of Glenfield and Sir Nicholas should not be married?"

    "I can't think of a single reason," Queen Ann stated.

    "As King and father, I formally give this marriage my blessing," King Robert announced.

    And with that, Ava grabbed the knife out of her glove. She spun around and jumped to reach her parents' necks.

    It took the royal knights several moments to realize what had happened. Other than Sir Nicholas, there were none nearby. They didn't think the King and Queen would be in any danger since the only people they would be around were Reverend Geoff, Sir Nicholas, and Ava. By the time they had reached the royal family, Ava was on top of her parents' collapsed bodies, stabbing frantically.

    "You had so many reasons!" she screamed.

    Knights circled around her and she stood up, pointing her knife outward, despite it being no match for their swords. The front of her dress was stained with blood. King Robert and Queen Ann were motionless beside her.

    "They're dead," a knight observed.

    "The King and Queen are dead?" a townsfolk repeated.

    "Does that mean the little girl who killed them is Queen now?" a peasant man asked. "She was their daughter right?"

    The knights surrounding her became more shaky with holding their swords. They were all thinking the same thing. Ava had no living relatives. The royal line died with her.

    Ava dropped her knife. "I don't care what you do at this point," she said. "Glenfield is probably better off without a monarchy anyway."

    "What do we do now?" a knight asked. "Do we kill her? Do we serve her now?''

    The commanding knight looked just as unsure as the lower ranked one.

    Sir Nicholas grabbed Ava's arm and pulled her close. "How about you finish marrying her off, and then serve me?"

    The knights appeared almost convinced until a townsperson piped up. "Wait, the King and Queen weren't forcing you to marry her?"

    "You still actually want to marry a child?"

Don't Forgive Your Abusers: Fairytale EditionWhere stories live. Discover now