Chapter 3

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Sir Nicholas was knocking over bookshelves in the royal library.

Where was that annoying girl? he thought to himself. The entire castle had been in a panic since the realization that Princess Avalyn was missing this morning.

He searched under desks and in cabinets for anywhere the small girl could have been hiding.

Sir Nicholas threw a book at the wall. Finally, he had gotten over half a day without Ava, but he still wasn't free from her antics, since she was all anyone could think about.

He stormed out of the castle library to find his commanding knight by the castle entrance.

"She's not in the south wing," he reported.

The commanding knight frowned. "We've searched almost the entire castle at this point."

I swear, if Ava thinks she's playing the most masterful game of hide and seek, I am going to wring her neck, he thought bitterly.

The commanding knight explained that the two knights guarding the castle door last night went into the dining hall to investigate noises and found several chairs knocked over.

"You're saying she might have been kidnapped?" Sir Nicholas questioned, masking his excitement. Maybe Ava was finally going to be somebody else's problem.

"Potentially," the commanding knight replied. "Although we're not sure how they would have gotten into the castle in the first place. Other than the upturned chairs, there doesn't appear to be any sign of forced entry." He pondered for a moment. "But the only other possibility is that she could have run away." He laughed at the thought. "And I can't possibly think of any reason why she would want to do that."

Then it dawned on Sir Nicholas. That bitch was trying to cheat him out of the throne. He clenched his fists.

King Robert and Queen Ann came walking down the corridor, and both knights got into a kneeling position.

"At ease, gentlemen," King Robert told them.

"Nothing new to report, your highness," the commanding knight said, standing up. "We may have to acknowledge that the princess may have run away on her own accord."

"I just don't understand why she would do that?" Queen Ann wailed. "She had a perfect life here."

"We have to find her," King Robert urged. "The royal line will end without her," he added, emphasizing the importance of the situation.

Queen Ann dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief. "I suppose we'll have to cancel all the wedding plans now."

"No!" Sir Nicholas blurted out. He took a moment to compose himself. "As I was saying, we mustn't lose hope. The princess has always been a little misguided–caring about the peasant-folk and what not. She probably left to explore and witness their pathetic little lives firsthand." He took Queen Ann's hand. "Your highness, I will scour all of Glenfield until I find her. Don't cancel the wedding just yet. I will return with my bride."

    "So chivalrous, so gallant." Queen Ann practically swooned. "I can see what my daughter sees in you." She paused for a moment. "Which makes me all the more confused as to why she would have run off," she said with the tone deaf nature of an out of tune lyre.

    King Robert put his hand on his wife's shoulder. "I trust Sir Nicholas will bring her home safe."

If I didn't need her to become King, I'd kill her when I found her, Sir Nicholas thought to himself. But to the King and Queen he said, "I shall assemble a team of the finest knights to find the princess."

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