flash's first aid kit

Start from the beginning

"Im-" he paused to cough, "Karen stopped working. I got shot. Im-" he faltered as black crawled into his vision.

Flash ripped the webs off his mouth, consequently waxing off his very light mustache too, "OW!!"

As he was obsessing over his pain, Peter grew impossibly more pale and his eyes threatened to flutter shut.

"Woah woah woah woah, Peter don't die don't die the world needs Spiderman." Flash rambled as Peter leaned into the tall ledge of the roof, coughing up mouthfuls of blood as his lips turned blue. It was progressively harder to breathe, but still possible. He was still breathing out of one lung.

"Pete? Pete I am tracking this phone stay where you are. I'll be there in two seconds. well, maybe a little more but you know." Stark rambled calmly.

The phone rolled out of his hand and his head dragged back heavily. His brown curls dragged roughly against the bricks.

"Pen- Peter stay awake! God you can't just die this easily! We need you here." Flash tried, trying anything to keep Queen's own hero alive.

Peter coughed. His eyes were slits, "not once did I think Flash Thompson would be complimenting me let alone even want me here." He said, a small, pitiful laugh escaping him, sending him into a cough that expelled more blood from his already pals body.

His breaths were staggering.

"Oh my god don't die don't die." Flash said, grabbing at the phone as he held the wound closed and applied pressure.

"Mr. Stark you need to be fast his skin is like- it's like yellow and gray, sir!" Flash stuttered out.

"Shit. Okay. I'm coming."

Peter groaned, coughing up more blood. It dribbled over his chin.

His eyes fluttered shut.

When Mr. Stark arrived in the Iron Man suit, Flash kept shaking Peter awake as his eyelids would fall close every couple of seconds.

"Iron Man!" Flash exclaimed, turning his attention from Peter.

This was the most exciting day of his life. Meeting Spiderman, finding out he KNEW Spiderman personally, talking to Tony Stark on the phone, and now meeting THE Iron Man!

Tony climbed out of the suit and got on his knees to feel Peter's heartbeat, not saying a word before climbing back in the suit, picking him up, and flying him away.

But there was one detail.

Spiderman had forgotten his mask.


Peter wasn't at school the whole next week.

And Flash, apparently, was wierding everyone out. He was just a teeny bit more pleasant to be around. He talked to Ned a bit about where Peter was.

"Sick" apparently.

Asked MJ during decathlon practice where he was. Not that he cared or anything.

But turns out Flash was the only one who really knew what happened to Peter. And he had spiderman's mask in his backpack all week, ready to return to Peter.

Two weeks later, when he finally did return, Peter looked good as new. Flash approached Peter at his locker and immediately got shut down by Ned, "c'mon man, he's been sick for two weeks lay off for five minutes!" He shouted irritably, sticking up for Peter.

But Peter knew.

"It's okay, Ned. Flash, let's walk." He said cooly. It was composed and almost sarcastic. Flash silently wondered how much time during the two weeks he was recovering was spent with Tony Stark because it had certainly rubbed off on him.

"Have you told anyone?" Peter asked nervously, a bit of his usual personality seeping back in. But it was impossible to unseen now. Peter was undeniably Spiderman.

"No one. I have your mask." Flash blurted.

"Man, I must have been really really out of it if I forgot that." Peter said with a grin as Flash dug the mask out of his backpack and handed it to Peter. It was still covered in blood.

"Bro, you were literally dying. It was kind of terrifying." Flash said, "and uh. Look, Parker, I'm sorry for being an asshole to you about the whole internship thing and- yeah. Everything. You're pretty cool."

"You just wanna be able to say you're friends with Spiderman." Peter said with a laugh.

"Well am I?" Flash asked genuinely.

Peter smiled.



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