Chapter 8: Albion Infiltration

Start from the beginning

Zim and the others recieved his signal and opened a Holo channel.

Y/N: "Guys, you got a clean signal?"

Z: "Yes, Y/N. We hear and see you loud and clear. I have two good news for you."

Y/N: "Oh? What's the first one?"

Z: "Me and the others will assist you more on the missions... mainly because my triggerfinger is itching again. We will make our departure soon. The only thing that we need to discuss is, who will return to our Homebase to oversee our mission."

Y/N: "Well, believe me or not. When i was cruising around in my saucer i had a nice Holo-call of my SIR Unit. I think you remember him, Zim? You know, the little guy i upgraded so hard that he became sentient?"

Z: "Oh yes, i do! You think he will be interested in doing this for us?"

Y/N: "I modeled his personality after myself. As long as it involves killing, maiming and burning stuff, he's in."

Z: "Great news! And now for the second one, Y/N. Those documents you recovered in Bay City were highly informative! It seems the Russian spymaster Agent Oranchov is at large somewhere in this very city."

Y/N: "Well he aint here for the weather, that's for damn sure... So those documents say where i might find our little buddy Oranchov?"

Tak now speaks up.

T: "Y/N, according to the documents, he's established a secret base somewhere underground."

Y/N: "Okay? But didn't we scanned the area before i departed?"

Z: "Yeah but it's useless. This city is riddled with tunnels, pipes and excavation gallore..."

Y/N: "Sooo... i bomb this city so hard till i find that base?"

Z: "Normaly i would give you green light for that and join the fun. But it seems you have to be incognito, otherwise you just alarm the KGB agents in this city..."

Y/N: "*Groan*... fine... i contact you once i find something..."

The communication ended and Y/N activated his PAK Spiderlegs to jump on the nearest roof. Staying out of the streetlights.

He jumps from roof to roof until something got his attention somewhere in the town center.

A big excavation site. And the guys 'working' there are way to fancy dressed to be workers.

Y/N: "Finally... something to shoot."

He activates his communicator.

Y/N: "Zim. I got something. An excavation site. With some russian man in black guarding it. I give ya a call once i collected another skull for my wall."

Z: "Alright, Y/N. Just be careful."

Y/N jumped down and landed on the agent right beneath him. As he landed he took his guns out and electrocuted one of the agents to death while he Disintegrated the other.

But suddenly other agents started to run out of the tunnel their dead colleagues guarded. Guns in hand.

An evil smile spreads over Y/N's face. He took aim again and opened fire. Running on his Spiderlegs as he gunned them down... Disintegrating and vaporizing all resistance. The russian defense went in disarray as their burning and Disintegrating colleagues are running around in panic.

DOOM ARRIVES (Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover/ Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now