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so then Seek erects from the ground all goopy and oil and he starts running all goofy at them!!!!

"WHAT THE ######## ### ######## cheese grater #### ## ####### # ########## ### ###### #####!!!!" noodle hair girl screamt

rayman and bacon were already bolting through the hallway, ducking under each obstacle Seek pushed in their way!!!

noodle hair girl was stuck and frozen in fear... She looked behind her, and saw the inky monster glip glop towards her (seek walks like squidwar with the gwink gwonk gwink gwonk)

just before Seek was 69 cm away from noodle hair, she starts racing through the hallway. It was like she went through this before from how skilled and swift her movements were... Noodle managed to catch up to bacon and raymon as the door slammed shut right behind them

"woah... Uh... You actually made that??" Bacon mumbled before quickly saying, "whatever! lets just go..."

raymon tip toed 2 bacon and whispered in his ear, "hey ermmm... bacon... akcorddig 2 my kalkulations.... newbies like her statikcally die to Sek on their 1st run!!!! ☝️🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"

"shes gonna die to fig for sure!!! then we'll finally lose her and my Speedrun will be PERFECT!!!" bacon said and rubbed his hands all evil like 😈

meanwhile sek pounded on the door and started crying (L loser XDDDDDDD) and he contemplated turning into a discord kitten to p@y his bills!!!!

but then he noticed something that would change his life forever....

a door knob!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

he opened na noor with his kitten paw and almost seeked all over the place when he saw the humans standing there chatting!!!

this was it... this was the moment where seek became SEEKENBERG and he started gwink gwonking to the humans at a medium pace because he forgor to take off the kitten feet which slowed down his walkig

"F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fiddle sticks!!" noodle hair girl stuttered as she pointed out seek "guys l-look!"

raymon and bacon boy were too busy arguing who was more of a princess!!

"I LITERALLY FINISHED ALL OF PRINCESS TYCOON YOU #### ######## ## ######## ## #### ###### # ########### sus 🤨 ###### ##### # ###### ############ AND I ##### THE BEAST ########## ## ######## ## #### # #######" bacon said d

"first of all i was the one that ################################ the beast and i hav a princess vtuber avatar!!! im even 0.12345677543321% a relative of queen lizzie (rip bozo 🤪🤪🤪) and-"

seek tapped on raymons shoulder in a comedic way and raymon turned around

"ermmm... whos interrupting my- JINKIES!!!!" raymon got vored by seek and died lol

seek said in a slight British accent: "im more princess 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" and he was able to talk bc he vored guiding light


Bacon fell to the floor on his knees and held his fists up to the sky. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he held his heart solemnly.

"I will avenge you, kitten. Daddy will finish this speedrun for YOU!"

noodle and seek shed tears at this emotional scene and then seek rememberd what he was gonna do

just before seek was about to end these humans' lives, noodle grabbed bacon and ran out to the next room

"drats!! my plan has been spoiled!!! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" seek cursed

sek x fig Where stories live. Discover now