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I was in a sad and depresive mood since I left Carla's appartement few days ago. I reply to nobody when they call me or text me, I just have the motivation for going out of my appartement for doing my training but nothing else, my minds are always occupied by my love, my amor, day or night, my head can't take her out of my thoughts, I just think about her, asking myself if she's in the same state as me, or the complete opposite, if she enjoys her life, and as I know it's bad to think that but I hope she was bad as me, hoping she was deeply touched by Carlos' decision like I am. 

I'm not a stalker guy, and never be before but for her I become, I stalked her Insta everyday, even several times per day, hoping she'd post something so I'd know how she was doing, but nothing, she hadn't posted anything and it was killing me inside to have to live without any news from her, I needed to know she was okay. 

So in this thursday morning, after 2 complete days I decided to get ready, left my home and take my car, taking the road to Nice, my heart need to see her, need to know if she's okay, and I clearly forget any warnings Carlos told me, his sister is too much important for me right now. I crave to take her in my arms like I never crave something before, I need to hear her angelic voice, need to feel her touch on my body but mostly feel her eyes on mine, and it's in this right moment that I know my heart belongs to her, her and only her.

So after more than 30 minutes, I stop my car in front of the fashion school of my girl, wanting to take her out for the lunch, we need to talk and if we even talk I just need to see her sit in front of me as I admire her. So I look at the hour and see that she will be out in any minutes, so I decide to let go of my car and wait her, against my car, staring at the entrance to her establishment, hoping to catch my eyes on her again. And after only few minutes I set my eyes on her, her mesmerezing body and it's only after few seconds that I feel many eyes on me, but I can't see them, to hypnotize by my girl and I briefly see her firends talk to her, pointing me, and in this right moment that she lets her eyes fall on mine, and in this same moment my heart become crazy like never before, and a bright joyful smile appears on my lips as I see the same in her delicious lips. She waves to her friends before moving towards me.

"Hello georgous girl," I said to her with an happy tone as she stops in front of me, and I tenderly replace a lock of hair behind her ear, to which she blushed even more.

"Thank you," she whispers to me as she plays with her rings. "But what are you doing here Charles ?" she asks me with a questioning look.

"I wanted to see you, I miss you," I admit to her as I feel my cheeks turned red.

"I mi...," she begins but she stops herself before talk again. "You know what will happen if Carlos discovers you came here, right ?" she asks me with a cold tone, well she tried to take a cold tone but I can feel it's not the real way she wants to talk to me.

"I don't care, he can hit me and break my nose as many times as necessary if he wants it, but I can't continue to live whitout hear your voice, see you, see your mesmerezing eyes, taste your lips, I can't do that, I can't live whitout news about you but meanly news of you, I can't, it's too hard for me," I confess to her as I take few closer steps toward her, placing each of my hands on her soft cheeks, losing myself in her brown sloes.

"You can't say that, you can't accept to be hit by Carlos or anyone just because of me," she tells me as she frowned her eyebrows.

"I don't care if I'm hurt, I know it's will be for a good reason," I admit to her, trying to convince her.

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