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It was the Spanish GP, the one and only in this country but not least. At this beautiful saturday, under the amazing Spanish sun I was chatting with Pierre and Lando, but my peace of mind was soon gone when I saw Lando's smile appear on his lips and I immediately understood who had just appeared in the paddock.

"My favorite Sainz is here !" Exclaims Lando completly excited.

"Yeah, everybody can't say the same thing !" Adds Pierre, his gaze on me, and my two friends start to laugh to the words of the Alpha Tauri driver.

"I don't get it why you don't like each other, she's super sweet, she's a Sainz," says Lando.

"We will say that our first meeting was not the best one," I say, trying to be confident, but I know that my chilhood friend knows the real reason, or at leat my side of the story.

"I know there is something else, she looks at you like she wants to kill you and she don't do that just because your first meeting was not very great," says Lando to me.

"She hate me like I hate her, and we both didn't try to hide it, we just prefer to annoy the other," I answer, perfectly knowing I don't answer at his words.

"Yeah I think everybordy get it Charles, we don't miss one of your headaches and the jabs you never stop throwing at each other," says Pierre, more than amused by the situation.

"That's the way we show how we love each other, and we will not change that," I reply sarcastically.

"Who know, maybe your ennemis relationship will become a lover one," Says Pierre, knowing I found the little Sainz more than attractive.

"Yeah certainly not, I enjoy the feeling of hatred I have for her so much that it would break my heart to change it," I reply to them and my friends do not fail to laugh at my words.

"Oh stop it, everybody know you find her hot and attractive, we see the way you look at her mate," starts Lando before adding something else. "We know you will fall for her," he adds before going in the direction of the concerned, and I follow him with my eyes.

"I'm agree with him Charles," says to me Pierre, with a serious tone.

"Oh stop it, you know I'm not in serious relationship, I prefer one-night stands," I assure him.

"I know but that's different with her, you look at her in a different way," he adds as we look at Lando and the two Sainz, all three of them laughing as usual.

"That's normal, she is the little sister of my teammate, and we hate each other, that's why I look at her in a different way like you love the call it," I say to him, sure of my words.

"I know and since the night you share with her you've increased your one-night stands, you weren't like this before her," says me Pierre and it is at this very moment that Carla puts her gaze on us and more present in mine, throwing lightning bolts at me even while hiding. She and I were not the best of friends, and we didn't bother to hide it, we didn't like each other and I think everyone could see and hear that. "Why I have the feeling  she wants to kill you everytime she let her gaze fall on you ?" Asks Pierre to me.

"Honeslty, I think she dreams about that everytime she puts her eyes on me," I say to him before we moved in their direction.

"My amazing teammate !" exclaims Carlos happy to see me. Although his little sister and I don't get along, he and I get along just fine even though he keeps reminding me how much he would like Carla and I to get along.

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