Up To their Old Trix

Start from the beginning

Flora: "Look, she waking up again." Aisha sit down and hold her head

Aisha: "W-Where am I?" Musa and Flora confuse but shake head

Musa: "You safe in Alfea school."

Flora: "You had a dream. You were looking for Piff."

Aisha asked worry: "Y-You know Piff?! Where is she?" hold flora shoulder "Tell me is she alright? Pls tell me."

Flora hold her hand: "Don't worry everything will be oka." Aisha sigh relief and lay back

Bloom: "Piff is your bond Pixie it's she." Aisha Nod "Fairy and Pixie bond like sister right. She was the first things on your mind as soon as she wake up."

Aisha nod: "Do you know where is she?"

Bloom laugh nervous with other three girls: "Well, she is on someone head and she does not like leaving there yet." Aisha look Confuse

???: "Is our guest awake." Winx and Nurse look back and see Izuku

Izuku: "If she is, I like to ask her Pixie to remove from my head." Point Piff who sleeping Peaceful on Izuku head. Bloom,Stella,Musa,Flora and Nurse laugh Nervous. Aisha see Piff and sigh relief. 

Aisha: "Thx godness. I dream about you baby but In my dream I saw you and other Pixie left me alone. Until that dragon come and bring you all back to me."  Aisha then feel her tummy grumble. Aisha embarrassed.

Stella yell: "Lunch Time. Here we are." give Aisha a Sandwich.

Flora: "Stella pls don't shout!" Piff wake up and cry

Stella gasp: "Ohh, come on pls don't cr..."interrupted by Izuku head chop on stella.

Stella: "Oww." hold her head

Izuku: "Baka." pick up Piff from head and pet head Piff softly and Hum lullaby.

Piff look up to Izuku in tear. izuku smile and Hum more lullaby while put Piff on Pillow. Izuku sit beside, Piff who lay down on Pillow while listing. Izuku still Humming for Piff while pet her head softly.

Bloom Whisper to Musa: "Look like your lesson is paying off  but I never know he can also sing like this."

Musa whisper back: "I also surprise as you bloom. I never heard he can hum like this." Flora and stella listen

Aisha surprise: "W-Who is he? And why is everything around him make me so safe."  titled her head "Is just like that Dragon."

Stop Song

After Aisha finish eating stella Sandwich.

Aisha: "So, this is a school am I correct."

Musa: "Yes, I'm Musa."

Flora: "And I'm Flora."

Stella: "I'm Stella."

Bloom: "My name is Bloom, that is my brother Izuku." Izuku wave hand

Aisha: "My name is Layla and Can I ask you two a question?" look to bloom and Izuku

Izuku: "Shoot."

Aisha: "Are you two really brother and sister because you two don't look a like and.." look to Izuku "What are you really?"

Ghost Izuku in Winx Club Season 2Where stories live. Discover now