Chapter 8

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Smoosh cries in Willy's arms as he tries to comfort her, still processing what had happened. To make matters grimmer, Maya hadn't said anything since they were all entombed. The only noise coming out of her being crying as she desperately tries to dig her way out to no avail.

Maya: Y/N..!

Hearing her wails caused everyone to frown and tear up. They all witnessed what happened to Y/N, seeing him being stung through the stomach before being taken away.

And they began to fear the worst.

As Smoosh cries, Willy continues to comfort her while sitting next to Maya as she continued trying to claw her way out. He struggles to find the words, but he knew he had to say something.

Willy: Maya...we have to stay strong and brave. Together we'll find a way, and reunite with Y/N. He's strong too, remember? He has to still be alright...he has to...

Tears flow out of him as he starts to break down, prompting Maya to look back at him with puffy red eyes before hugging him tightly. Arnie and Barney sniffle as they watch from the side.

They had to find a way. There had to be one.


Y/N would slowly open his eyes as he groans weakly, startling the two ants that were on either side of him.

???: Eureka! He's waking up!

???: Soldier! Can you hear us?

Y/N: Wha...?

With his head throbbing in pain, he clutches his head as he sits upright slowly.

???: I heard a wha. That means something, right?

???: Course it does, Daryl! Or my name ain't Beryl!

Daryl: Alright, now easy young sir! Don't want to tear apart the dressing!

Y/N flutters his eyes open as he looks down at his stomach, seeing that a part of his cape was used to cover it up.

Beryl: We had to use your cape to help hold the medicine in place!

Daryl: Indeed, young sir! A stinger's sting is one of the worst injuries you could sustain!

Y/N looks at the two black ants, seeing that they also had green crosses on their chests.

Y/N: Who are you...?

Beryl: I just said our names! I'm Beryl!

Daryl: And I am Daryl. We're nomad ant medics with a newfound goal of healing the injured on our journey!

Beryl: You oughta consider yourself lucky, soldier! We saw ya dropping out of the sky like a fly!

Y/N: Out of...the sky...Maya!

He struggles up onto his feet, being helped up by the two ant medics.

Beryl: Woah, take it easy! Your body still gotta recover!

Y/N: I don't have time...I need to friends...

Daryl: Did you say rescue? Are they in danger? Injured?

Y/N: Trapped in a cave...

Beryl: Definitely sounds like the work of a rotten good for nothin'!

They then hear a voice in the distance, Y/N instantly recognizing it as Chomp's.

Y/N: Chomp...he's here...? He can help us!

He tries to walk but nearly trips over, being caught by Daryl.

Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now