Chapter 7

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Cruising down the river after their miraculous escape, Arnie, Barney, and Y/N were currently asleep in the middle of the leaf as Maya rubs the spot where she was slapped. She winces a bit, frowning as she glances back at Y/N. Then to Willy.

She had no idea just how dangerous this mission would be, and an overwhelming amount of guilt was starting to pile up on her. Maybe this wasn't a great idea. If they didn't go on this adventure, she and Y/N wouldn't have gotten hurt. Willy wouldn't have been upset.

Maybe Willy was right. Perhaps it would've been better to stay in the hive.

Maya: Willy? You were right. I didn't give you a choice about any of this.

Willy: You know I don't like leaving the hive. And I don't like new things. And I really don't like being chased by giant bugs.

He sighs as he looks down at the water.

Willy: I'm not a strong hero like Y/N is. I'm just a fuzzy little bee. The truth is...I'm scared of all of this.

Maya: Willy, I'm sorry. I-

Willy: You don't need to be sorry. I was wrong. I know taking Smoosh home is the right thing to do, but I can't do it.

Maya: Of course you can! You've carried her all this way. You're looking after her right now.

Smoosh was sleeping peacefully in Willy's arms, smiling the whole time. Maya places a comforting hand on Willy's arm.

Maya: Willy, it's been you that's kept her safe all along.

Willy glances back at Smoosh as she opens her eyes, smiling at him before closing them again. Feeling a sense of pride, he smiles softly.

Willy: Maya, you're right. Let's take Smoosh to Greenleaf and prove ourselves to the Queen.

The bee pair share a fist bump handshake before returning their gaze forward, just in time to see Bonsai Peak rise in the horizon. Arnie, Barney, and Y/N would finally wake up and see the sight before them, the very latter smiling.

Y/N: Almost there...

They reach shore and slowly hop off as Barney kisses the dirt out of relief of being on land once more, and immediately spitting it out afterwards.

Arnie: The navy life ain't for me. No sea legs.

Barney: No sea legs? Look down!

Arnie gasps as he sees that his legs were shaking rapidly.

Arnie: My legs! I've missed you, legs.

As the group gaze at Bonsai Peak, they all share smiles with one another. Their mission was almost done.

Willy: There's no turning back now.

Maya: Let's go.

As the group continue on their journey, Rumba would arrive back at the boom bug fort in time to overhear Rojos talking to Bumbulus.

Rojos: And because of your meddling sister, she let them get away from us. Luckily, we know exactly where they're headed.

Bumbulus: We must strike before the princess arrives. Prepare yourselves, boom bugs! We attack at dawn!

His beetle subordinates cheer as Rumba walks up to her brother, glancing at Rojos with a mean glare who only smirked back slyly.

Bumbulus: Rumba, welcome home. We're storming Greenleaf tomorrow. Be ready.

Rumba: Perhaps there's another way, brother.

This is only met with boisterous laughing from him, as well as Crusher and Bandit who cackle.

Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now