Chapter 5

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The hive of Poppy Meadow was on full alert as the populace starts a massive search party. Flip leads his own group as he calls out for Maya, Willy and Y/N.

Overlooking the operation was the Queen herself as she talks to Kassandra and Crawley.

Queen: The guards will cover the northern meadow. Kassandra, take Crawley's team down by the lily patch and then circle back to meet Flip near the border. Then...

Queen begins to choke up as tears drip from her eyes, the fear of the worst happening to Maya and the others coming to mind. Kassandra was quick to console her.

Kassandra: Don't worry, Your Majesty. Wherever they are, we'll find them.


Arnie and Barney were currently holding some pollen over a glowing shroom as Y/N remained seated near the exit. While Willy was eating some pollen, Maya was in the middle of putting some leaf underwear on Smoosh while singing.

However, Smoosh's constant moving around makes the task difficult for her.

Maya: C'mon, Smoosh, stay still! Willy, can you help?

Willy: Huh? Oh, uh-

A fake snore comes out Willy as he pretends to be asleep. Although it made for a humorous bit, Maya was still clearly annoyed with Willy. Y/N hums as he glances and Smoosh and then back to Maya.

Y/N: Psst, Maya.

She looks at him as he gestures with his hands. Concealing a giggle after interpreting what he was suggesting, Maya quietly sneaks up on Willy before plopping Smoosh down on him.

Willy: Huh, wuh?

Smoosh: Willy, Willy! Willy.

She then immediately falls asleep on top of him, which got a snickering Y/N trying to keep his voice low as Maya smiles at Willy and Smoosh.

Willy: Smoosh, I'm not a bed.

Maya: Hehe, looks like you made a friend, Willy.

Y/N: She's a fan of sleeping, just like you.

Willy frowns as he looks back at the ground, huffing.

Willy: I don't want a friend. I just wanna go home...

Maya: We will! Once we take Princess Smoosh to Bonsai Peak.

Willy: ...You really believe she's a princess?

Y/N: Hey, she did hatch out of a golden egg. Doesn't get more royal than that.

Maya: Besides, she needs our help.

Willy hums as he lays on his stomach, careful not to let Smoosh fall off as the voice of Barney garners their attention. The ant duo had created a rotating contraption to 'cook' the pollen.

Barney: How do you guys like your pollen? Roasted, toasted, medium-rare, well done, char-grilled, scorched, burnt?

Arnie: Wait a minute, this isn't even warm.

Barney: Rare it is!

The device then breaks apart, sending pollen rolling everywhere.

Later on, everyone goes to sleep. But Smoosh starts to cry in her sleep. Willy groans a bit as he wakes up, trying to comfort her to no avail. He looks around to see everyone else asleep, sighing. He was gonna have to comfort her alone. With a lullaby.

Willy: Hey, little Smooshy, don't be afraid. I'm gonna keep you warm and safe. Snuggle up and rest your head. In your comfy, cozy bed. Shut your eyes and have no fear. Just remember Willy's here.

Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now