Chapter 9

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Bumbulus chuckles as he lands atop the gate to Greenleaf, his cronies arriving from all sides of the entrance. Landing next to him was Rojos along with Crusher and Bandit.

Bumbulus: Good morning, Greenleaf! Are you ready to rock!?

Boom bugs: Rock!

Bumbulus: Are you ready to roll!?

Boom bugs: Roll!

Bumbulus: Cause it's time to-

Crusher: There's nobody here!

Bumbulus: Huh?

They all look around and see that the village is completely deserted.

Bumbulus: Hmm...

As they move closer to the throne, they still see no signs of life as Rojos scoffs.

Rojos: Tch, looks like they turned thorax and fled.

Bandit: No fair! I wanted to have Greenleaf for breakfast...!

Crusher: Told ya we should've just eaten the prisoners!

Bumbulus: Well, I declare total victory!

His army chants his name while Rojos rolls his eyes and starts moving away, with Bandit and Crusher watching him.

Bandit: Where you goin', boss?

Rojos: Buzzing out of this dump. If there ain't any tallies to mark down, then what's the point of lingering around? Besides, I already claimed my true target.

As he continues flying away, his cohorts shrug and groan as they follow suite. Just as Bumbulus starts to sing about his victory of taking over Bonsai Peak.

Bumbulus: Well we're taking over Bonsai Peak!~ We won it fair and square!~ This land is forever mine to keep!~

Maya: But what if we all just share?~

Bumbulus slowly turns to see Maya now standing in front of him, irked that she was singing over him.

Bumbulus: What? No! I sing! Beetles and ants shall never unite!~

Maya/Rumba: But together we're stronger, you know that's right~

Bumbulus: No!~ This is my time for victory!~ I'll make it clear now for all to see now!~

Maya/Rumba: But this time we can change history~

Bumbulus: Don't even try, you can't fool me!~

Soon everyone from Greenleaf emerges and sing in unison, with the exception of Y/N who was missing.

Greenleaf: We'll take the best of you and the best of me~ And we'll put it together to share this victory~

Bumbulus grits his teeth in annoyance, further enhanced when his own army start to sing with Greenleaf. Meanwhile, Rojos and his gang stop and watch from afar and scoffs with a cackle.

Rojos: What a joke.

Maya: Come on, Bumbulus, lighten up!

She starts to tickle him with a feather, causing him to burst out in laughter while pleading for her to stop. His subordinates then start tickling each other and laugh together. Finally, he grabs the feather.

Bumbulus: I said stop!

And then proceeds to chuck it with Maya at Arnie and Barney. But instead of receiving gasps or retaliation, everyone just starts to laugh again, much to his dismay.

And furthermore, he sees the ants and beetles getting along. His fury was starting to build up now.


Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb (Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें