15. A Man in Trouble

Start from the beginning

"You wanna say?" Wanda asked. "It was your idea."

"Say what? What are y'all not saying?" Daisy asked.

Coulson turned his glance from Wanda, back to Daisy.

"We know where to find him." Coulson answered.


The three wound up in Coulson's office, Daisy pacing back and forth as she put her phone to her ear.

Wanda had been assigned to putting a tracker on Lincoln a while back. It was one of the things she did the first time they tried to talk to Lincoln.

It allowed them to connect to his devices and location at any and all time. Wanda was assigned to putting it on him because she could hide it on him with her magic, which she did.

"Lincoln, it's me." Daisy said finally, talking into the phone.

"Daisy? How the hell did you get this number?"

"That's not important. What's important right now is that you get somewhere safe." Daisy replied.

"I just bought this phone."

"Yes, I know, 35 minutes ago at a liquor store at 71st and Binford."

"You know where I am?" Lincoln's voice echoed through the phone even though it wasn't on speaker.

"Yes. And I convinced them to let me talk to you before-"

"I can't believe you would do this."

"Just- Lincoln, just hear me out. Okay? The ATCU has released your picture to law enforcement. Everywhere. Calling for your arrest. We're gonna come get you." Daisy paused. "Lincoln?"

"Hang up?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah." Daisy muttered, setting the phone down.

The three looked up at the map on Coulson's screen, showing Lincoln's location based on the tracker. It only took a moment for Lincoln to find the tracker hidden on him though, because the screen flashed a red color.

Guess inside his shoulder wasn't the best place to hide. Oh well.

"He must've blown his tracker." Coulson spoke as if the other two didn't realize.

"Yeah, because he's creeped out that you put a tracker in him." Daisy replied.

"Yeah, and if you didn't give him a heads up, we could've used it to bring him in." Wanda argued.

"He's already scared, paranoid. Ambushing him out of nowhere would have made things way worse."

"And we could've talked it out here. We could've gotten him secured here, then let him let out whatever anger he had boiling up."

"Alright, alright." Coulson cut them off. "Everybody just relax. We'll figure this out."

The three stood in silence for a moment, watching the map with the dead tracker. It was useless now, sure they had his last known location but he knew they had it so he was mostly on his way as far away as possible.

"Turn on the news." Wanda suggested. "Might as well see if the media is aware of anything while we hope they don't."

Coulson nodded in agreement, turning around to move over to his desk. He quickly switched the screen over to the news while Daisy shot a glare at Wanda.

"It was Coulson's idea." Wanda mumbled.

"I bet it was." Daisy replied.

"The suspect is considered dangerous and is wanted by both federal authorities and the ATCU." The newsman spoke.

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