Standing in my doorway I see Pierre in the jacket that I always used to wear at the track. I stand there staring at him in his old Team sweatshirt hood up and shorts and hair in a messy bun. " What are you doing here Pierre it's" I look at the time on my phone "7:00a.m." I say tired and annoying. " I want to see my daughter." He says. Just then Dakota walks out of the her bedroom and over to the couch to rewatch the F1 race from Sunday, I smile." I can see she loves F1." Pierre says." Yea it's in her blood." I say." Please Harley I just want to be in her life." He says. " Fine you can meet her and we will let her decide if she wants you in her life" I say to him. " Kota baby girl come here for mommy. I want to you to meet someone." I say to Dakota. She walks over to me and reaches for me. I pick her up and give her a kiss on the forehead when she lays her head down on my shoulder. " Kota this is Pierre, Pierre this is Dakota." I say. " Hi Dakota it's very nice to meet you" Pierre says. " Hi" Dakota says in a tired voice." Maybe you should go back to bed for a little bit longer." I say to Dakota." Okay mama" I say. I take Dakota back to her room and lay her down. I walk out of her room. Pierre and I agree to meet up for lunch so Dakota can get to know him and he can get to know her.

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