CHAPTER 90 - Three Questions Exchange

Depuis le début

"I have said it countless times, I don't know where they are!" Kim Dokja said with tired and angry tone.

[I only came here for one reason. Olympus will give you a stern warning. Don’t hinder our work. We are working to prevent the destruction of the world. This woman will grow into a breakwater of the great destruction.]

“Why this woman?”

[Looking for the reason is pointless. Even the three sisters who spin the thread of fate don’t know why.]

Damn. Olympus used the excuse of the Fates. Kim Dokja cursed.

[Incarnation caught in the scenario. The direction of fate is turning. The stories of the stars are gathering in one place and the fate of the constellations will begin.]

“What are you talking about? Are you referring to Gigantomachia?”

[…You even know this information. You are really amazing. But even if you know this information, you shouldn’t arrogantly think that you understand everything.]

The sparks around Yoo Sangah’s body were reaching the limit. It was the sign of a probability storm.

[You, a puppet of the moment, will never understand. Remember. Once the time comes, if you aren’t standing on the right side―]

At that moment, a lightning bolt struck Yoo Sangah’s body and Kim Dokja felt Ariadne’s power draining out of her.

The sound of tearing through space and time resonated and Yoo Sangah’s body collapsed like a broken doll.

Kim Dokja hurriedly grabbed Yoo Sangah’s body.

Then Kim Dokja felt someone’s gaze from the sky. I shouldn’t raise my head right now. Nobody told me this but I instinctively knew. If I looked above me…

[The exclusive skill ‘Fourth Wall’ has offset your mental shock.]

Kim Dokja looked up with confusion.
There was something in the distant Great Hall.

It was a presence that destroyed Ariadne’s power.

It seemed to be a tongue or a tentacle but in the end, it didn’t resemble anything. There's something like a silver line and the creature seems to be fighting someone.

The shockwave of it's energy could be felt where they're standing right now. It was a fear that was beyond language and it was unable to be comprehended.

A god from another world.

Time seemed to slow and sweat soaked Kim Dokja’s  forehead and back.

It was a flow of time filled with breathless pain.

Kim Dokja barely blinked and the Great Hall returned to normal.

Kim Dokja trembled with fear. This thing was what I had to fight.

Kim Dokja saw Han Sooyoung and some of the fans running towards him in the distance.

The roar of agitated monsters filled the moonlit night and the screams of humans came as they were intermittently hit by lightning.

There were several scenarios related to ‘the end.’ Ragnarok. Gigantomachia. Armageddon… I didn’t know what Ariadne was talking about but it was certain that something was different from what I knew. Kim Dokja thought.

This was what I wanted. I could never reach the end I wanted if it flowed like the original story.

Kim Dokja carefully laid down the collapsed Yoo Sangah. It felt like her flesh would break if I touched it.

Yoo Sangah’s face was pale and she had a tight clenched fist, as if she didn’t want to support her sponsor.

Humans were weak. However, there was one thing overlooked by the stars who were only afraid of a great probability. It was that all the myths on Earth started from the weak humans they ignored. Although there’s some exceptions like them. Kim Dokja thought.

Kim Dokja gently touched my fist to Yoo Sangah’s fist.

[In the depths of your soul, the power of the ‘story’ is wriggling.]

<to be continue>

Author’s note: I don't know if it's not a hoaxes, but there’s a news about ORV season 2.

Author’s note: I don't know if it's not a hoaxes, but there’s a news about ORV season 2

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But luckily he was hiding from them (for now)

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But luckily he was hiding from them (for now).

Thank you for reading, votes and comments. I hope you enjoy the story and have a nice week. GBU.

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