chapter 4.5: mark I have a surprise!

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As I then slowly start to go and wake up putting back on my prison outfit with gas masks that the umbrella Corp has given us to get to the lower levels that contains more of the ores that are surrounded by a toxic air that is contaminated. After making my way to the site with my backpack hanging off my left shoulder I then reach into my pocket and pull out my makeshifted crossbow that uses both guns and syringe's parts to make it work after making sure it was all set I then see the line with the other prisoners lining up in a singular file line with 2 gaurds that are pertrolling around them. After some while they walk around the corner and the prisoner in the back gives me a quick nod before rushing ahead of the other prisoners, as I whip out my makeshifted crossbow I load in one of the syringes and lock it in place as I then peer around the corner seeing the 2 gaurds in choke holds and the other prisoners stomping or punching them until they knocked them out. "Ok guys their are only 4 weapons on them meaning that only 4 of y'all will have a weapon" as they new what I was saying nodding quickly and give the four weapons to the four people that are good with ranged weapons. as I then peek around the corner and see that their is a security camera room right beside the hospital room "ok guys we need to go to the security room and destroy the cameras or at least turn them of but most perfured way is destroying it but kill the camera gaurds and we need two people stay in their Incase people enter the room to figure out where we are once these guns go off so....who is doing it?" As I said that two of the prisoners raised their hands indicating they are going to do it "ok y'all knock out the gaurds then take his weapons then kill him and quickly destroy or at most turn off the cameras." They give a quick nod and quickly make their way to the camera room without being spotted by the robot drones and they quickly open and close the door as grunts and groans until the two poked their head's out and nodded telling us that it was done "ok now hand me the key card so I can inspect the level" as I said that one of them reaches into his pocket and brings out a red ended card with the level of 3.5 meaning we had the means of getting it done. "Ok remember these steps step 1 aquire the keys step 2 break into the armory step 3 take down the warden step 4 what wield the iron fist and step 5 the finally step rain hell on the company hoorah!" "Hoorah!" As we then start to charge through the hallways heading straight for the armory once we peek our heads around the corner seeing two of the gaurds in heavy armor.
(The armor looks like that of the heavy Wolfenstein armor the soldiers have)
As I start to make hands signs as the most of them are confused "what? I said to have a distraction?" "No you said to distract them with our dicks" as I then sign knowing full well that's not what I said but signed again and told them what to do "ok now one of y'all go there and tell the guards to come here as let's say........their is a fight breaking out and one of us has a shank,ok?" He gave a quick nod then ran around the corner putting on his pretending face and told them what was happening as we hear thumps of the soldiers heavy armor. I then count down with my finger letting everybody know to get ready
1 the final finger hit my palm we rushed at the two unsuspecting soldiers and made both of them crash to the ground and try to snatch the guns away from them unfortunately one of us was too late and the chaingun went of firing bullets upon bullets into the people Infront of the gun and the wall. After a couple of seconds the gun ran out of ammo and we went back to snatching the guns off of them and was successful with the first one but the other was able to push them off and pull out the m1911 aiming right at me. Soon everything felt like it was going in slow motion like almost as if "as if you are going to die?" (Huh?who said th-) "ah you don't remember me do you? That hurts me because I know you so well." (Who are you and what are you!) I knew I was speaking with my mouth but it just wouldn't come out of my mouth. "Don't worry y/n or should I call you by your 'terrorist' nickname...the balancer?" "Of course you are stupid to not know that I am what is keeping you alive many when yeva took your entire hand to feed her cannibalistic family...just let this play out then you will be calling to me for" as then all around me then quickened it's past to normal and the gun shot out. I raise my hand up to protect me but something else happened...I wasn't hit and upon looking I only see a red gushing hand with sharp ....claws? Have a hold of the bullet but then immediately releases it and hits the soldier with Soo much force that the bullet went right through the heavy armor that even a .50 cal will have trouble denting let alone a pistol to even scratch it. I then look at the other soldier that is getting shot at the neck since that was the only place without armor, from the person on top of him. I then look at my new hands and find them amazing but I get reminded of the plan when one of the prisoners puts a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head to remind me to remember the mission. I then walk to the armory and open the door to it.

Narrator POV
As y/n swipes the card on the card reader and it makes a high pitched beep until the doors open revelling ar's and snipers to rocket launchers to even tiny devices "gersh device? What's that?" The prisoners said as they then started to get prepared putting on Armor guns and pulsion rifles and what not as y/n grabbed the gersh device that looked like it wqs some sort of trap for animals. "Could come in handy as distractions?" Y/n said as he put it on a hook that was connected on the light armor he had put on.
Time skip 2.5 hours later we see the prisoners on top of the building that they were in looking over at the 'citizens' in the small remote town. After a couple of seconds inside the building a red blinking button is pressed by a dieing scientist that had half of is face shoot up (even I'm still confused on how he is alive:from author) as soon he pressed the button making it emit a siren sound as red lights blazed across from the planet of copper nine until and explosion came off killing evryone and thing.......... only leaving the drones as they unburied themselves they rebuilt the planet in their perspectives as just drones where everything is friendly and making new life for drones not knowing what was in store for them in the following years when one drone is born and going to through logic out the door

To Be Continued
It's out now hopefully this is good for y'all and no I'm not going to creat another skit for my next book until chapter 5 welp see y'all on Sunday :)

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