the announcement

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To the readers the reason why I haven't posted anything yesterday was because of my brother's graduation day but I am here now so I am going to tell you the release of the time I will post
Every either Wednesday or Sunday a new chapter is going out and also since nobody choose I will be a singular person for dating Y/N and that will be doll also I will be starting my Mandela catalogue y/n x murder drones series after I get to chapter 5 in this book I haven't seen anybody think of this and I like the lore of it so be prepared it may come out during next month because yes I am in school and going to after school so don't expect much like posting 2 chapters every week this is what I wanted to tell you now onto the main gist of what is to be reviewed
y/n's backstory and what not are going to need to be pieced together during after chapter five so why not it will make you anxious of what actually happened also I might, if they are going to be long talking I'ma just do this " ".   " "
So yeah sorry but my hands have been hurting from writing around 2000 words and more from posting the chapters and fixing grammar mistakes plus I got to work on my physical therapy for my leg so these are mostly the days that I'ma try and get them done or what not so hopefully y'all like what I have planned in-store for ya and bye :)
Update I'ma be adding serial designation V to this because why not have t.w.o two sadistic mother fuckers to the mix in this now harem book that's all I wanted to let y'all know and it should be out before Wednesday by 10:45 Peace ✌️

murder drones x resident evil/   Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now