Epilogue: Tomorrow, Just Like Today

Start from the beginning

If Keisuke was protective enough before, then me carrying his child later made him protective to the power of infinity, if that makes any sense to anyone. Not only he became super protective of me and our unborn child, but also became super territorial and possessive in some way or another. During that time period, he always made sure I was eating right or was safe and sound and out of danger. Looking back, I realized that Keisuke had always been touchy-feely with me even before we started dating. If I was close by, he seemed to need that physical contact with me in some way or another. He would either be stroking my hair, touching my arms and hands, draping an arm around my shoulders or gently holding my waist by wrapping an arm around it. He was the type of husband who would become jolly like a happy puppy if I let him be affectionate to me or otherwise would become all sad and pouty like a grumpy old cat if I rejected his touches or advances.

In other words, Keisuke Baji was an affectionate physical guy, that's what it was. Not that I was complaining about it since I was quite the affectionate and physical person myself as well. But that physical aspect of his increased tenfold after my pregnancy, saying that it was his way of constantly protecting me from possible danger and I found this gesture of his really cute and endearing.

Keisuke's mother Ryoko Baji and Emma became our helping hand during those nine months. They took care of me and helped Keisuke whenever they were needed; sometimes Hina and Yuzuha would also drop by to help out in times of need. But aside from that outside help, Keisuke had always been there for me and our baby whether he was needed or not. Keisuke was that guy who never said sentences like "Nana's pregnant" to anyone; rather he always said sentences like "We're pregnant" to everyone around him. To him, our baby was a creation that we both were creating together. It wasn't just one of us; it was both of us. The two of us were into this together and that's why he became even clinger to me than before as he wanted to see and experience almost every single moment of the pregnancy.

Keisuke felt like his involvement in every aspect was necessary and during the next appointment session when the doctor informed us that we were actually expecting twins instead of a single child as our firstborn, Keisuke literally held himself back from fainting away in utter joy and happiness. He was overwhelmed for sure but truly happy nonetheless.

Twins meant double the joy but it also meant double work and responsibility. And that's why we got into work from the very beginning. Our house also started to change along with our lives when we started preparing to welcome our twin babies to the world like painting stars all over the guest room-turned-nursery beside our bedroom or shopping for baby furniture or even buying baby clothes for the then-unborns.

For someone who was quite nervous about becoming a father at first, Keisuke sure became obsessed with our babies even though they didn't come out of the oven yet – like while shopping, he always drove the cart and then started to get real picky halfway through especially whenever we browsed through the baby clothes section. If I picked up something that wasn't of his own liking, then he always scoffed at me and let me know that no spawn of his was getting caught wearing that before rejecting my choices in the process.

Shopping stuff and rearranging the house was one thing while spending alone time with me and talking to the baby bump was another thing. Like he loved talking to my baby bump and he always did that for hours, talking about our glorious teenage days in Toman and all. Back then, he always leaned down on the bed beside me and put his ears on my swollen belly to hear the babies' kicks, also hugging the belly as well. He always got very excited when it comes to our babies. Whenever the babies kicked really hard and I would tell him that they got it all from him, Keisuke always ended up saying responses like how he would teach the kids martial arts, ride motorcycles, and play baseball or soccer.

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