Chapter Seven: Be Our Guest

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Edwin was ripped from his uneasy slumber by three thunderous knocks on the door, the sound of the Beast roaring angrily at him.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He stumbled out of bed, frightened, and stared at the door hesitantly.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I thought I told you to come to dinner." She hissed. Edwin, feeling slightly more awake- and slightly annoyed- nodded stiffly despite the fact she couldn't see him.

"You did, and I said no. I'm not hungry."

"You come out or I'll– I'll break down the door!" She snarled. Edwin's annoyance grew, as did the ache in his head. He rubbed his temple with a groan, hearing the Beast whispering outside the door. Finally, the Beast spoke again, softer.

"Will you come down to dinner?"

Edwin nearly laughed. "No."

"It would give me great pleasure," The Beast started again, clearly trying hard to sound polite. "If you would join me for dinner... Please." She really didn't know when to quit. He cracked open the door and looked up at her.

"No thank you," Edwin bit out with an air of finality. The Beast growled.

"You can't stay in there forever!"

"Oh yes, I can!" Edwin assured her.

"FINE! Then you can stay in this room and STARVE!" She howled, her fur bristling as she did. Edwin flinched as the Beast roared, watching dumbfounded as she pulled the door closed. He heard her give her servants the order, "If he doesn't eat with me, then he doesn't eat at all!" Before stomping down the hall, a door slamming shut with enough force to make his teeth rattle.

"Oh, dear..." Edwin heard Mrs. Potts mutter. "That didn't go very well at all, did it?" He snorted humorlessly in agreement.

"Lumiére, stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is the slightest change," Cogsworth commanded.

"You can count on me, mon capitaine!" Great, now Edwin really was trapped. The bedroom may not be as cold and unwelcoming as the dungeon tower, but it seemed it was no less of a prison. Sitting on the bed, Edwin held his head in his hands. What was he going to do...?

"I ask nicely and he refuses?!" The Beast growled as she entered her chambers, throwing broken furniture out of her way as she stalked toward the broken mirror propped up on a table, protected by a glass dome

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"I ask nicely and he refuses?!" The Beast growled as she entered her chambers, throwing broken furniture out of her way as she stalked toward the broken mirror propped up on a table, protected by a glass dome.

"What does he want me to do, exactly, beg?" The Beast touched the glass gently, huffing.

"Show me the man." She asked. The mirror glowed softly, the Beast's reflection fading away to show Edwin lying on his bed, face pale, speaking with Garderobe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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