"I couldn't tell you, Levin. Are you excited for the 118 mile march?" Nixon asked with a sarcastic smile.

"What 118 mile march?" Ricky asked with confusion.

"Well, Sink read that the Japanese Army had held the world record for the longest march, and he's decided that us lucky few can beat it. So, tonight we shall start the great adventure of marching 118 miles to Atlanta. Good luck, Corporal." Nixon said. He gave Ricky a nod, and continued his way down the billets.

"Fucking Sink..." Ricky muttered, about to go back into the billet.

"What was that, Levin?" a voice asked. Ricky turned to see Joe Liebgott.

"Nothing Joe. Just muttering." Ricky said.

"About what?"

"Did you hear on how we're going to Fort Benning? We're fucking marching there." Ricky said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, Gaurnere told me." Joe said. Ricky looked at him shocked.

"Don't y'all fight every five minutes or something?" Ricky asked. Joe started to laugh.

"We do, yes. But that's just how we roll."

"I see. That makes total sense. Anyways, are you all packed to go and chop our feet off?" Ricky asked, leaning on a post that was supporting the billet roof.

"Yeah, packed when I woke up. You know that Savard is the most peaceful sleeper I've ever seen? He always looks so happy." Joe said.

"That is very true. I think he just dreams of home all the time." said Ricky.

"Do you miss home?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I do. It's my happy place." Ricky sighed.

"Don't worry, Ginger. You'll see it again." Joe said, smiling at the girl.

"I hope so, Joe."


Ricky was exhausted. She had been walking for six hours, her feet were hurting, and she was just miserable. They were marching in rows of four, and Ricky was with Oliver, Malarkey, and Gaurnere. She had spoken quietly with Oliver for the most of it.

"My feet are just done man. I think I got like seven blisters. Where's Spades when you need him." Oliver was saying to Ricky.

"I think mine are numb at this point." Ricky replied. Ricky peered through the rows of men, and spotted Judas marching with Perconte, Luz, and Toye. She couldn't see Brice, so she expected him to be behind her.

"Can you see Jerry or Spades?" Oliver asked.

"I can see Jerry. He's four rows ahead, marching with Perconte, Luz, and Toye. I can't see Spades, so I think he's behind us." Ricky stated.

"Will you two just shut it." a voice grumbled from Oliver's left. Gaurnere was giving them a death stare.

"Don't worry, I'll stop when I'm done talking." Ricky snarked back.

"Is that soon?" Gaurnere shot back.

"Stop being a dick, Gonorrhea." Malarkey said from Ricky's right. Ricky couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"What?" Malarkey asked.

"Just the way you said it. 'Stop being a dick, Gonorrhea'." Ricky laughed. Malarkey caught on and soon him, Ricky, and Oliver started to laugh. Gaurnere just rollled his eyes.


Ricky sat in a tent with Judas, Oliver, Liebgott, Skip, and Perconte. Brice was in another tent, tending to all the people bad feet. They had done a total of ten hours of marching on the first day, some breaks in between. Everybody was gassed. Ricky layed on a cot, eyes staring up at the ceiling.

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