-*Fort Benning-*

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A/N- Little edits here and there, got chapters mixed up. 

The training at Toccoa was done, and though Ricky wouldn't ever admit it, she was going to miss the camp. She would miss running Currahee every day with her friends. Toccoa was where she found her best friends, and where she found her courage and her purpose. And now she was going to earn her jump wings in Fort Benning.

"So, leaving already?" Oliver said, packing up his things. Ricky, Oliver, Judas and Brice had started their morning off by packing up everything while the men were at breakfast.

"Yeah, I can't believe it. We're getting our jump wings." Judas replied, picking up his book. Ricky was busy folding her ODs, and Brice was sorting through his medic satchel for the seventh time.

"Where'd all the time go?" Brice asked. Brice had turned eighteen two months ago, and the four were chuckling at the memory.

"I'll never forget this place. For as long as I live." Ricky stated. She had made so many memories, ones that she'll never forget.

"This place will always be special to me. Some day, I wanna come back here, with the three of you. And if we have them, we'll bring our children and our lovers with us too." Oliver said, smiling at the three.

"Don't go that far, Oliver. We still got a whole war ahead of us." Judas reminded him. "I just realized, you don't have a nickname."

"Yeah. What does Oliver do again?" Ricky asked. "And also, I love the idea of coming back here."

"You guys are gonna make me cry." Brice said laughing. "Oliver, what do you like doing exactly?"

"Uh, I really don't know, to be honest." Oliver said, rubbing his head. Ricky sighed, Judas just stared at him, and Brice just started laughing.

"You're impossible." Judas said. "Wait, what's you're middle name?"

"Uh, it's Elijah." Oliver replied, a little confused.

"Okay, that ain't gonna work." Judas said, shaking his head. "When's your birthday?"

"June 1st." Oliver replied.

"So, you're a Gemini?" Judas asked.

"...yes?" Oliver said.

"What the hell are we talking about again?" Ricky asked. Judas shushed her.

"Ginger, Gemini's a constellation, right?" Judas asked.

"Yeah?" Ricky asked. Now she was confused. "In contains two bright stars, Castor and Pollux."

"Ah ha! Castor! That's what we'll call you!" Judas exclaimed happily.

"Castor? Uh, kinda weird. But...Oliver Castor Lee...that has a nice ring to it." Oliver said, throwing his last view things in his bag.

"It does, yes." Brice agreed.

"We finally have the perfect group! Ginger, Jerry, Spades, and Castor!" Judas said, eyes beaming. Ricky shook her head and turned to walk out of the billet. She opened the door and stepped out, taking in the air. There were a bunch of men packing and throwing their stuff outside.

"Good morning, Levin." said none other then Lewis Nixon, walking past the billet.

"Morning, Lietenant." Ricky said, giving him a salute.

"At ease, soldier." Nixon said, standing in front of her.

"Where's your partner in crime?" Ricky asked, smiling at him. Out of all of the Officers and Lietenants, Nixon was her favorite. She loved Winters, he was a great man, but Nixon reminded her of her brother a lot.

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