Risk and reward

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"What did I do wrong? I couldn't help but stare. Was it my staring or was the pizza? Does she not like pizza?"

Thinking to myself as I made my way home untouched pizza in hand. Once in the lair I handed it off to one of my brothers and went to talk to dad.

"Dad can we talk?"

"Of course. What is wrong Leonardo?"

"You know how I told you about the female vigilante called Black arrow?"


"Well from the first time I saw her she has plagued my thoughts and her eyes haunted my dreams. But tonight everything changed she revealed herself to us. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"What is the problem my son?"

"How can I get close to her without scaring her off?"

"Do not rush or force things my son. These things happen in their own time."

"Alright I'll try tomorrow night. Thanks dad."

Heading to my room to try and meditate but thoughts of her invade my mind. Giving up and going to bed after failing for an hour but sleep offered no solace either. My dreams were filled with images of her bare body beneath me, her lips on mine. The sound of her moaning my name sent me over the edge as she dug her nails into my skin. Calling her name in desperation and desire until the dream faded and I woke up more irritated then when I went to sleep. Lumbering into the kitchen where Donnie was pouring a cup of coffee.

"Can I have some too Donnie?"

Placing a mug next to his as he filled it as well.

"Sure Leo, woah. What happened to you? You don't look so good."

He states as he hands me the mug taking a long sip from his own.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

Raph walks in hearing the end of the conversation.

"I'd say with how you were moaning Yukina's name last night."

Spewing my coffee in surprise turning to Raph wearing an all knowing grin.


"Yeah must've been some dream for you to sound like that."

"I need to talk to dad."

Racing to see dad trimming his bonsai.

"Dad I need to know something."

"What is it?"

"What are mates and how do you know when you find them?"

Laying his pruning shears down and slowly moving to sit down in front of me as he urges me to do the same. Pouring us both a cup of tea.

"From what I understand. It's when you see them for the first time it's like the world stops. You have an almost uncontrollable urge to take care of them and protect them. When you're with them it's like time slows down and have the need to be have them by your side all the time. I must warn you to be very careful Leonardo. You only have one mate for life everything must be taken slowly. Having a mate is the greatest happiness and greatest sorrow you will ever have."

"Why greatest sorrow?"

"If you lose her, you lose your will."

"So the stakes are high?"

"Yes but so is the reward, when you succeed."

"You think she'll fall for me?"


"Thanks dad."

Heading to the dojo for some morning training with a lot on my mind and much more to contemplate.

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