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Yukina POV
I woke up to the sound of the ocean looking around and seeing that I'm inside a warehouse. Trying to walk around and finding I'm chained to the wall gazing out the window and seeing that I was in the one at the end nearest the open ocean. Just when I was about to try to get out of the chains they suddenly started to get pulled and I'm dragged until I'm hanging by my wrists. The room echoes with maniacal laughter at my struggles.

"Good luck with your little double jointed trick. It won't work the cuffs are too tight even for you to get out of. I told you this wasn't over."

"Jason. I told you I will never be yours."

His laughter rang out.

"You see that's where your wrong. I will have you and to make sure I do I have taken everything you've ever loved from you so now there's only me."

Walking slowly like a predator stalking his prey as he watches carefully.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you haven't realized it yet? I had your sister killed. You see as long as she was alive you would always dedicate yourself to her but now she's gone and now you have me."

My rage blew up at his unhinged smiles and laughter as if he was proud of what he had done. Flailing about as I tried in vain to hit him in some way screaming at him.

"I'll kill you; you hear me you're dead I swear I will kill you with my bare hands!"

"I see you have a lot to process so I'll just leave you alone. I have some things to attend to and I'll be back once everything is ready my love."

He faded back into the shadows as my rage gave way to tears as I cried for what felt like hours. Slowly my thoughts drifted to Leo and all I wanted was to be with him again. I missed his goofy side, his random smiles and, pecks on my cheeks when no one was looking. More importantly I never got the chance to tell him that I love him I wanted to tell him but we ended up fighting. I guess you never really realize how much someone means to you until you find out you might never see them again and that broke my heart even more. Just then Jason comes back to the room with a laptop in hand. Setting it down as he announces.

"Hello to her dear friends! I bet you're wondering why I've hacked your computer system just to show you this. Well this your final goodbye to her because if I can't have her no one can. I'll make sure she has a slow and painful death. But first a word from our sponsor say what you want my love this may be your last chance."

"Mind if I sing for them?"

"Why not I'm feeling generous."

No time for rest
No pillow for my head
Nowhere to run from this
No way to forget
Around the shadows creep
Like friends they cover me
Just want to lay me down and try to get some sleep
Remember what we're fighting for
Meet me by the Oceanside
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield
Your camouflage and you will be mine
Even at the end of the line
Everything could stay the same or we could change it all
Meet me by the Oceanside

Next thing I know his hand slaps my face hard sending me reeling back.

"Alright that's enough I'm not that generous."

"Too bad generosity doesn't translate to the size of your penis."

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me millimeter Peter."

He punches my nose feeling it crunch and blood start to flow down my face.

"I'm sorry did I strike a nerve tiny Tim?"

Once the punches started they didn't stop. I felt my bones start hurting from the beating. Until he stopped and walked away.

"Is that all you got? I was just getting warmed up."

He returned with a Bowie knife in his hand.

We watched in rage that he was doing this to her until Mikey spoke up.

"Guys she told us where she is."

Looking at him astonished.

"No she didn't all she did was sing a song."

"The song she sang was Meet me on the Battlefield and not once does that song mention the ocean or the end of the line. She's in a warehouse near the ocean at the end. She was counting on me to hear it."

Donnie quickly looked it up.

"Mikey's right she did send a message. There's a warehouse exactly where she said it is."

Feeling hopeful we gear up and head there. On the way.

"Mikey, Donnie thank you. I never would've figured that out without you."

They both smiled brightly as Raph said.

"Don't thank just them I'm gonna be the one to really lay the smack down for taking her."

Nodding to them as we ran full speed making it to the warehouse. Hearing screams of agony coming from the building we sneak closer to see he dangling there as he was covering her with cuts. Sneaking in slowly and quietly as her screams covered our presence. Donnie hacked and shut down his computer as we slowly circled around him. Her screams of agony were tearing my heart apart I wanted to badly to wrap her in my arms and take the pain away for her. At the same time I was filled with and indescribable rage towards him I wanted to hurt him the way he's hurting her and more I wanted him to suffer a slow painful agonizing death by my hands. I think we all felt rage towards the guy who took and hurt someone's who's become so dear to us. Looking at the others and seeing their faces mirrored my own.

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