Chapter 1~ Why is weird sh!t always attracted to Joey F-Ing drew!?

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3rd person

Little ivy has been confused on why her farther had decided to visit his old friend and business partner , The last memory Ivy had of her old uncle was Joey yelling at her farther never to return to his studio, which she thought was stupid since Henry created the characters, Henry paid the bills and workers, Henry keep people from quitting, he was like the nails in a wall keeping the planks together and without him the building slowly crumbles to the ground

She was confused on why her mother wasn't worried and kept trying to get her to leave with her, But Ivy had faith in her farther she thought that one day he would magically appear at their doorstep saying it wasn't worth it or he got stuck with a flat, but the longer he was gone the shorter her hope grow she knew he most likely want going to come back after the 4th month went by, so she decided she would take matters into her own tiny hands and go straight to her old uncle for answers.

(A few hours away)

Joey was getting bored with the loop, he needed something new that wasn't just a random piece of the inky abyss, he needed something un-expected!!but his creativity ran out long ago, as had his imagination, but all he needed was a little push in a certain direction to ensure the torture of the loop in the ink dimension,

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock', a light pound on the door could be heard though out the creaky apartment, Joey sighed in confusion before standing up and walking, quite slowly might I add, to his front door his heavy footsteps making it no secret he was moving towards the door, but as he poked his eye though the peep-hole he quickly got his creativity flowing again already knowing what to do with the quest at his door,

(Ivy's POV)

As I waited for Uncle Joey to open the door, I decided to take a quick look around the outside of the apartment complex, it's pretty run down, there's dirt everywhere the plants are overgrown, and by the looks of it the lights barley work, I hope that the inside is better than the outside looks,

While I was looking at the flower box's in front of the window on joeys floor I heard the door creak, I turned my head startled by the noise what I saw made me worried but I decided not to show it, Joey definitely isn't what he used to be, he very obviously let himself go, or he got hit by a truck and then was too lazy to more and kept getting hi- okay you get my point,

"Ivy? Is that you?" Eww even his voice sounds like it has been crushed by a speeding motorbike, oh right he's talking to me how sad, "Hi uncle Joey! Sorry to bother you but have you seen my dad? Last I saw of him he was heading here to see you" fake it till you make it am it right?

"Yes, he's inside I can lead you to him if you'd like?" Joey sounded weirdly happy while saying that he has this smile that almost looked real until you saw the excitement in his eyes, and to be frank it worried me to no end but I'm desperate, there's only so many times you can deny your mums request for shopping before you start to regret coming out of her private part,

"Yes, please that would be extremely helpful!" I couldn't keep the smile off my face, I know I shouldn't trust the Man, I mean look at those eye bags not even my dads were that zombie looking and that's saying something, but my dad was the most important person in my life! And I'm not gonna give up my chance to see him even if it kills me,

(Noooo Ivy don't act like a watt-pad Y/N! Be smart!) As we entered the house I was hit with the smell of mole and hm... death? Lovely smell (note the sarcasm) but the farther we got from the door the more scared I started to feel the apartment around me could be clearly seen fading darker and darker the closer we got to what looked like a completely ordinary door? And that's what scared me since when uncle joeys there the normal just disappeared replaced by a string feeling of distress,

But the fact that one Singler door is making me so scared is extremely worrying, and what makes it even worse is, That the one we're walking to...

"Sooo, my dad's in there?" I guessed, because we not just gonna walk up to a door and the go 'oh yeah he's not actual in there'. Well, I hope not at least, "Why of course he is he will be soo- surprised! to see you so make sure you real sweet, okay?" There's that creepy smile again the one that makes me want to claw my eyes out,

"You know I will uncle joey!! thanks for the help see you soon!" I saw running through the door, only to fall and the last thing I saw was inky walls and questioning.....

why does weird sh1t always happen to joey F-Ing Drew!?

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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