Night 5... Time to Say "Good-bye"

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(Your P.O.V)

I was on doors this time and Mark was on cameras. Oliver sat in the spiny chair, I guess maybe trying to distract himself from what's happening around him by spinning in circles. Things were getting tough, Foxy was running towards us almost all the time, Bonnie kept coming, Chica kept coming but mostly stayed in the kitchen maybe making pizzas I never really knew. Surprisingly, Freddy didn't really bother us much. he was always in the bathroom or party room. every once in a while Oliver would flitch when I went to close a door. Bonnie was at our door and he startled me when I turned on the light to check, and gave out a small scream. Oliver Jumped and ran over to the back of the room and curled up into a ball and started crying. I couldn't leave the doors or we might die, but it was already killing me inside that I had frightened Oliver and made him upset.

"Oliver, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! it was just Bonnie. everything okay, I'm not going to let anyone get in here!" I yelled to him while checking in with Mark every once in a while to see who was close and who was leaving. I heard Oliver's crying slow down, and soon, slowly stop. he wouldn't move from that spot but at least I knew he was okay back there. Gold came out from the door in the back of the office and noticed Oliver was upset and sat down next to him and held him, comforting him. I wish I had time to take a picture with my phone capturing this one moment. It looked so sweet. I stood there in between both doors watching them. All of a sudden I hear Mark scream "FOXY!" and I sprinted towards the door, closing it. Mark's screaming scared Oliver because I heard him start crying again. Gold held him tighter and rubbed his back.

"Shhh its okay Oliver, Its ok. they wont get in. Amber wont let that happen. Shhh It's okay." It broke my heart that I couldn't be there for him. At least Oliver doesn't have to go through this alone, he had Gold sitting there with him every scream along the way. We had almost finished the night!

"It's 5:55, Oliver! It's almost over! Just hang in there 5 more minutes!" I said trying to give him hope. I started crying. It was KILLING ME I couldn't hold Oliver and be there for him. I just wanted this night to be over! once I heard the 6 am bell ring I sprinted over to Oliver, faster than I've ever ran before, and gave him a huge hug.

"OMG are you okay now?! It's over.... It's finally over!" I felt the tears run down my cheeks as I hugged him.

"Thank you, so much. I'm fine..... Now that you're here." I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eyes as I put my hands on his cheeks. he noticed I was crying almost immediately. his face went from happy to sad almost in a split second.

"Amber! You're crying!" I looked down and nodded then looked right back at him. he hesitated to respond after I looked back up at him. "......why?" he asked almost like he was scared to hear the answer.

"It killed me..... It killed me to see you upset and I couldn't do anything about it! I couldn't hold you! I couldn't help you! I cou-"

"You...... you care about me?" I hesitated but eventually nodded yes. There was a slight pause where I was looking at the ground but I felt like he was smiling at me. "Amber?" he said. I looked up still with tears rolling down my face every once in a while.

"What?" I asked moving one of my hands to whip some tears away. Before I knew it, he was hugging me.

"When we go back to our world, will you adopt me?!" I held onto him tightly.

"Of course! Give me one reason not to?" we both laughed as we pulled away from the hug. I stood up and picked him up and put him on my shoulders again and we walked out to the party room where everyone else was sitting around talking. I walked over to the stage and Oliver hopped off my shoulders and onto the stage. Oliver and I sat on the edge of the stage together and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Hey, I'm not trying to push anything but, do you know who you're going to take with you? You can take up to two, not including Mark."

"I think the people that I'm going to choose know who they are, but, I just want EVERYONE to know that, just because I didn't pick you doesn't mean I hate you. in fact it means I love you. This won't make you any less special to me in my heart. I'll think about all of you, every single day, because when I wake up and see the people I choose, I'll be reminded of all my adventures here, every time I look at them." I looked around at everyone, knowing I'd miss each and every one of them just as much as the other.

"Okay so now... time to chose.... I...." I started crying, and Chica ran over to me and hugged me. "I love all of you so much." I pulled away from the hug and whipped my tears. "Ok ok, enough stalling, I choose.... Oliver and Gold." Oliver practically tackled me when I said the names. he got up off of me, leaving both of us laughing. he got up on my shoulders again and Gold wrapped his arm around my waist and we all waved bye as I felt the tears falling from my eyes. the last thing I ever heard was "I will always be thinking of you, I love you." from Chica.

When I woke up, I was in my bed and Gold was next to me sitting up at the edge of the bed, waiting for me to wake up. "How long have you been waiting?" I asked trying to sit up.

"Not long. I woke up a few minutes ago." A moment of panic hit me as I realized something was missing. It must've shown on my face because Gold hopped up off the bed and ran over to me and put his hands out in front of him to help me calm down. "Calm down! Calm down! Oliver is down stairs on the couch in the living room. I thought you would want to know when you woke up so I went exploring your house a little bit." I felt a sense of relief come over me. he backed away a little bit, just enough so that I could stand up. I walked down stairs and saw Oliver on the couch like Gold said he was. I figured he might be hungry so I made a little snack for him to eat when he woke up. He woke up only moments after I was done making the snack.

"Hey! Are you hungry? There's a snack in the kitchen if you want it?" I offered.

"Yeah! Thanks Mom!" he started to run off to the kitchen then stopped and turned around. "uh... I mean.. Amber... thanks Amber." And turned back around slowly and walked into the kitchen and sat down at the counter where the snack was sitting. I walked into the kitchen and leaned up against the doorway as I looked at him.

"He, I was thinking about going down to the courthouse to adopt you, what do you say?" he looked up at me with the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen.

"Come on! Let's go right now! He ran to the door and grabbed his coat and out on his shoes.

"Gold! I'm going to adopt Oliver do you want to come?" I called out to him. he came jogging down the hall. He said "of course!" and smiled down at Oliver. We bother grabbed our coats and put on our shoes, and left to the court house.

Oliver was now our kid and we were going to make sure that no one takes him away from us. He was a really good kid. We also went our and bought Gold and Oliver clothes. We got Oliver into a school. He made lots of friends and got really good grades. It wont be long until Gracie comes along. I hope they make a second game to Five Nights at Freddy's. I cant wait to see my friends....

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now