Night With Foxy

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Lol I 1) LOVE this photo and 2) think it go's great with chapter 2 and this chapter lol
(your P.O.V)
So far, the first night, I've been scared, hugged, made a best friend (Chica), flirted with, asked to meet in private, took a nap, and now talking with everyone in the office. Me and Chica sat on the desk next to each other. It wasn't a big desk so we took up most of the room so that no one else could sit next to us. Foxy stood next to me (not that that's any surprise) Mark stood next to Chica. Bonnie was leaning up against one of the walls and Freddy sat in the chair I was sitting in last night while I was watching the cameras. Freddy would glare at Foxy every now and then but I don't think he knows I noticed. It was 8:40, almost time to meet Foxy.
~Time Skip~
At 8:50 pm Foxy left back to his "home" before he left I whispered "I'll be there 9:15." And he smiled and said bye to everyone so that it wouldn't be suspicious. Freddy just glared and after about 5 or 10 minutes later he asked to speak with me, leading me into the party room.... the same room as Pirate Cove.
Freddy backed me up against a wall close enough to Pirate Cove so that Foxy would know we're there but not close enough so that it would be obvious.
"Sooo what d-did you wanna talk about?" I asked glancing over his shoulder to see if Foxy heard me and walk out.... He didn't. Either he didn't hear me or he heard me but wasn't sure if it was me or not. Freddy put his palms against the wall just under my ears.
"Oh Amber, you should've known I didn't wanna talk... I meant talking in a different way.... With no words." He smirked at me but then before I could say anything else he leaned in and kissed me gently. I glanced over at Pirate Cove. No Foxy. I tried pushing him away but he didn't budge. Eventually I had no other choice except to give into the kiss, so I started kissing back. I'm not 100% sure that he came looking for me because I couldn't check the time, but Foxy came out for something and Freddy broke the kiss and I bit my lip and he leaned back in to start kissing again.
(Foxy P.O.V)
It was 9:17 pm and I started getting worried.
Maybe she just forgot what time it was I thought. But then I spotted out of the corner of my eye Freddy and Amber kissing. She spotted me as well and I saw the fear in her eyes I also saw words 'I'm sorry' and 'save me' in her eyes. So I ran over to her and tried to help her.
(Your P.O.V)
I finally spotted Foxy coming out of Pirate Cove thank god I thought. Must be he saw how sorry I was and how scared I was because he mouthed the words
'I'm coming'
So I broke the kiss and Freddy smirked at me and started to say something but fell to the ground in pain. Foxy was standing behind him with blood on his hook. He looked up at me, winked, then looked back down at Freddy still in pain and said "ye bastard!" Then looked at me and said, " tryin' t' take me lass... Come on give me a hug!" I smiled and stepped over Freddy and hugged Foxy as he picked me up and swung me around and set me back on the ground. He started to lean in to kiss me when the others came around the corner so he just pulled me into a hug.
"What's going on we heard someone get hurt!" Bonnie said coming around the corner. Chica and Mark nodded in agreement.
"What happ-" Mark was cut off by Chica tapping him in the shoulder and pointing at Freddy laying on the ground still in pain. So Mark asked again what happened and I told them. Mark looked like he was gonna kill someone (Freddy most likely) but I managed to clam him down and tell him that everything is okay now thanks to Foxy. We just started talking as a group again, like were in the office. Freddy came over and said he was sorry after he was healed and ok. Everyone slowly made their way back to the office and soon it was just me and Foxy talking so we decided to go back to Pirate Cove like we originally planned. He took me through the door in the back and we just sat on his couch talking. After a while I started getting tired so he picked me up bridal-style and took me back to the office. By then it was almost time for the second night to start and I would be on doors and Mark would be on cameras for the night. I woke up just before we got to the office in Foxy's arms. He set me down into the spiny chair and kissed my forehead goodnight.
"Wait, Foxy! What about your blanket?" I asked just before he got to the door. He turned around and smirked at me.
"Keep it." He said and walked out back to what he called "home". Mark let me rest for a little bit but then told me it was time to get going in Night 2. I hope this night is easy...
I hope you're liking the story so far! I've been thinking about doing a book two and three! AAAAAANNNYYYYWAAAY! The next chapter will be out tomorrow Bye!

Meeting New Friends Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ