The Plan is Working (part 2)

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(Your P.O.V)

We all were ready for attack. Our groups were set up and every door leading into the part room where Salvage was. I peered around the corner and his back was to me. It looked like he was sharing something most likely a knife. Time for our plan to take action. Gold was standing lest to me so all I had to do was glance over at him and give one small nod and he knew what that meant. Everything went black for a moment but soon after I could see again. My eyes had turned the pitch black they were when I usually was being controlled but something was different. Once I could see he slowly moved his hand In front of my eyes and told me to stay still and not to blink. I did as I was told and a few seconds later he stopped. "Your eyes look normal ok? Now do you remember the plan?" He asked. I nodded. "Good, now go do your part and if you start to get dark I'll control you and bring you back ok?" He whispered. I nodded again, turned around, and walked over to Salvage.

"What are you doing here? I told you to watch over the animatronics!" I could hear that he was a bit mad but not enough to hurt me I guess?

"Gold came back so I decided to meet up with you. I think they're playing mind games with me. They make me on their side but I snap back into reality before they pull me on their side completely. I think they're planning attack." I said.

"They might be. That Mack guy or whatever his name is," Mark I thought. "He's smarter than the rest. He's the one that's planning everything, I bet!" He stopped sharpening his knife and looked up at me. "This is yours, I'm getting it ready for later, remember...." He gave a smirk and then I instantly remembered that I was suppose to kill them later, something snapped in me and I felt the rush of wanting to see blood fill my heart. I think I lost connection with Gold..... crap. Salvage held the knife out so that I could see it. I grabbed it from him.

"Hey don't touch the blade, with a single touch you'll start bleeding instantly. No doubt about it." He bent down to the side of him so that he could do something I'm not sure what but I snuck behind him. "Amber?" He looked around a little. "Amber?" He looked one more time then shrugged and went back to whatever he was doing on the ground next to him. I got closer and raised the knife up over him so that the blade was facing straight into his back. The plan was that I was going to attempt to kill him but if that doesn't work the others come out set by set like we talked about before and try to help. That ended up happening. When I went to stab him right through his back, he turned around and grabbed me and pinned me to the floor, causing me to through the knife half way across the floor. All of a sudden I see Mark, Bonnie and Foxy all run out from behind their door. When they got over to me and Salvage, Foxy jumped on him causing him to roll off of me. Bonnie ran over to the knife but was pulled away by Salvage. Freddy and Chica were having a make out session by their door.... Freddy you little player! I screamed and that got Chica's attention and she darted out of the room and started fighting. Freddy mumbled something to himself then ran into the room, not far behind Chica. salvage ran over and picked up the knife. He threw it at me and I tried to dodge it but it hit my right arm in between my shoulder and my elbow. It stung like hell but I got use to it then soon forgot about it. Blood started to flow from the cut Salvage made, so Gold pulled me out into the hallway. Everything started getting blurry, my vision was failing. All I remember from that moment was the feeling of the wall against my sore back from when I got pinned, and Gold's voice telling me everything is going to be ok but I felt so light headed I couldn't think or see straight.

"I'm seeing rainbow unicorns...." I giggled. While staring off into space. I could imagine Gold rolling his eyes at me and thinking "oh my god she is losing saintly."

(Gold P.O.V)

She was kinda cute like this but she was dying. I tried healing her but I could only do so much since she had lost a lot of blood. I managed to give her most of what she lost back to her. She was starting to see straight but her mind was going in and out of crazy town. Since she was mostly healed I could leave her alone for a while but I had to come back to check on her later. The knife I assume they were fighting over was about 10 feet away from them. I ran over and picked it up. I mentally gave the others a warning to watch out and move out of the way and they did. I took aim and threw the knife. It landed square in the middle of his heart.

Meeting New Friends Part 1Where stories live. Discover now