Guess Who?

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(Gold P.O.V)
I heard them all gather around the doors talking, possibly making a plan to get to Amber.
"Hey are my friends trying to get to us?" She asked.
"Yeah, they're gonna try to take you away from me, Princess."
"Oh... Well you're not going to let them are you?" She asked. She was actually frightened that they would take her away from me! THIS IS AWESOME!
"No way! If they try to even touch you..." I started to hypnotize her. "... Then I'll kill them. " Her face lit up with smiles then she hugged me, resting her head on my chest.
"Now, I have a plan but you have to do what I say ok?" I asked as she pulled away from the hug.
"I will do anything you tell me to!" She said still smiling. I put one finger under her chin and lifted her head up a small bit so that she was looking straight at me.
(Chica P.O.V)
Oh no! I am NOT gonna lose ANOTHER friend 'cause of Gold! The lights went off and music started playing. After the music stopped, the doors opened and we all rushed inside. There was Amber.... sleeping. We were all glad she was safe but something... didn't feel right. As I turned around to see if anyone was behind me, I saw Gold. I screamed and ran away from him and hid behind Mark.
"What did you do to her!" Freddy said as he ran over to Gold, grabbed him by the shirt, then put his fist in the air like he was about to beat the shit out of him.
"Calm your top hat, Furball I didn't do anything. I just thought I'd say 'hi' since y'know she's met the rest of you." Gold said. Freddy growled at Gold but Bonnie pulled him back so that he couldn't do anything.
"Ok, now really tell us what happened t' 'er." Foxy said calmly. Y'know for loving Amber so much, he's really calm about this entire situation.... Oh wait.... I see what he's doing.
"Like I said, I just wanted to say 'hi' to the, oh what do you call her? Lass." He gave an evil-like smirk THEN Foxy couldn't hold it together and ran up to him and put his hook around his neck as if to threaten him. He slowly started to draw blood around the front of his neck. After he was done, his hook was covered in blood. Freddy and I heard something behind us while Mark stayed being ready to start a fight if he needed to. We both turned around and saw Amber slowly waking up. Foxy was still in Gold's face, planning his next move as Gold slowly healed himself. I ran over to Amber and hugged her as she sat up. Behind me I heard Gold say, "hey, Pirate, your 'Lass' is awake." He teased. I could hear Foxy run over to Amber and hug her, (after I pulled away) happy she was safe.
(Your P.O.V)
When I woke up I was greeted with hugs from Chica and Foxy. I also noticed, as Foxy hugged me, that his hook had blood on it and Gold's throat was cut with fresh blood dripping from it.
"GOLD!" I screamed. Part of me was happy to see him and the other half was sad he was hurt. I pushed Foxy off of me and ran up to Gold and hugged him.
"Oh no, why are bleeding?" I knew who did. It wasn't to hard to see that it was Foxy, I mean after all he IS the only one that has blood on him. I just wanted to see if he would give me the reason as to why.
"When I opened up the door to let them in, Freddy attacked me then Bonnie dragged him away then before I know it I'm cornered and my throat's bleeding!" He said. "But don't you worry, Princess, it doesn't hurt and I can't die." I hugged him then, as I pulled away from the hug, Gold put his arm around my waist pulling me towards him.
(Foxy P.O.V)
I felt a part of me heart break when she pushed me away and ran over t' Gold. After he lied about what happened while she was asleep, all I wanted to do was kill the bastard.
"Ye can't possibly believe him, Amber!" I tried to defend myself.
"Oh really? Then why is there blood on you hook and his throat cut! Gotta answer to that?!" At first I REALLY wanted to kill him but then I noticed something in her eyes.... they weren't HER eyes. They weren't the beautiful blue eyes she had last time we saw her. Her eyes were pitch black with a dot of blue.......... Gold. I glared at Gold as he mouthed the words:
She's mine now
to me.
"Silence?.... That's what I thought!" She said.
(Your P.O.V)
I rested my head on Gold's chest as he pulled me in for a hug. How could someone see someone else and automatically attack them? That didn't seem right. He put his arm around me as he pulled away from the hug, and we walked out to the stage. He lifted me up and sat me on the edge of the stage then he climbed up next to me. I laid down so that my head was on his lap. As I was laying there, Gold played with my hair. We stayed just like that for about another 20 minutes before the others came out of the office. Chica, Foxy, Bonnie and Mark, all sat at a table and talked. I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was 10:48 pm, about ten minutes before 11. I sat up and Gold put his arm around me so that my head rested on his shoulder. A few minutes later Chica came over and sat next to me on stage. She handed me a piece of what looked like ripped paper. It was another note from Foxy.
"Gold?" Chica asked. Gold looked at her. "can I talk to her? Alone?". He looked down at me then back at Chica.
"Fine. You got 15 minutes..... I'll be watching." Gold removed his arm from around my shoulder and kissed me but only for a few seconds then walked off into the shadows so that you could only see his eyes.
(Chica P.O.V)
Just before Gold left, I noticed that Amber's eyes were pitch black with a dot of blue in them. After Gold left her eyes came back to normal. How long have her eyes been like that? How long have I not noticed? She started crying so I pulled her close to me and tried to calm her down. This got Foxy's attention so I mouthed the words
'All of you come here'
And he got everyone's attention, pointed over at Amber, and they all jogged over here. How did Foxy understand that? He's very bad at reading lips so that was shocking. He hopped up on stage next to Amber and he looked like he was about to cry. Amber looked over at him and hugged him. Foxy's eyes filled with tears of joy that Amber was back to normal. After she was calmed down we asked her some questions.
"What's the last thing you remember before you were in the office?" I asked.
"Um.... Oh! Gold took me into this secret door and started kissing me." Amber blushed at remembering.
"I'll be damned if he get anywhere near ye again!" Foxy promised as he put his arm around Amber and kissing her head. "I just have one question..." She nodded. "Why didn't you scream for help?" Amber started blushing majorly then Foxy knew.
"I'm sorry but in ways.... He doooooeeesssssss know how to treat a girl."
"More like kidnap and hypnotize." Foxy mumbled.
"Nothing." Foxy said in a hurry. Later on, we told her the truth about what happened when she was sleeping and thanked us for defending her. I could see as we were telling her what happened that she was having second thoughts on Gold.
"He's not looking to cute anymore now is he?" Foxy joked. She giggled then kissed him on the cheek. We were all laughing at how badly Foxy blushed. Then all of a sudden...

...She disappeared.

Meeting New Friends Part 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt