Episode 1 (Part 1): Move On To Another Start

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3rd Person POV

Just outside a small apartment black was a young adult/teenager carrying 4 large boxes filled with his important stuffs. Mainly videogames and clothes plus other essentials. This young man was Cypher.

A human boy with a dream... a dream to become a hotshot game developer and designer.

Recently after his interview through online. He was accepted at a game company somewhere in England he couldn't let this opportunity pass by.

As now the boy was all giddy and smiling as he puts the last of his boxes inside his car.. it sure is tight at the backseat... he has like 10 boxes over all.

Cypher: that's the last box... whoo!~

The boy smiles as he pulls out a notepad and crossed out his last chore.

Cypher cracks his neck and he sighs yawns.

Cypher: the sooner I leave... the sooner I get to England by dawn.

While Cypher seems happy he can't help thanks to his boss... who is super generous on giving him a place to stay.

Small Flashback

Cypher: wait!!! You actually got me a place to stay sir?

Cypher was shock how that his own boss, who he never met before actually got him a place to rest at.

He is really generous.

Boss: well I did! And your welcome kid. Also I even got the address... just go to this street. Its 27 Durdam Lane!

Cypher smiles and suddenly yells.

Cypher: thanks again for your generous offer sir! I'll be there by tomorrow!!! See ya!!

Boss: you too kid. Goodnight.

Back in the present.

Cypher was in his car giving his old apartment a last wave as he starts his car... he yawns as he looks at his phone.

Its about midnight and the drive might take long.

He sure will be going fine.


End for Prologue.

(Yeah sorry if it's short... I'll be long on the next chapter I swear!)

Ellsworld: Meanwhile In An Alternative Dimension Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt